Gulf News

Fayyad calls for parliament vote

Compares Palestinia­n split to the decades-long division of Germany

- – AP

The Palestinia­n prime minister in the West Bank has said that Palestinia­ns should hold parliament elections in the territory soon, instead of waiting for the elusive reconcilia­tion with Gaza’s Hamas rulers.

Salam Fayyad compared the Palestinia­n split — with rival government­s in the West Bank and Gaza since 2007 - to the decades-long division of Germany. He suggested it would not have made sense to forgo elections in West Germany because of Germany’s partition.

Fayyad, who spoke to reporters late Monday, appeared to be challengin­g his boss, Palestinia­n President Mahmoud Abbas, and Abbas’ Islamic militant Hamas rivals.

Both Abbas and Hamas have said elections should follow a unity deal, which was agreed on in principle several months ago but was never implemente­d. Under the deal, Abbas would lead an interim unity government for several months to prepare for legislativ­e and presidenti­al elections.

Critics say Hamas and Abbas’ Fatah movement are reluctant to compete in elections and are unwilling to give up power for a unity deal. Others say holding elections only in some areas would deepen the split. Each side has blamed the other for the failure of reconcilia­tion.

Hamas legislator Salah Bardawil said the group’s West Bank rivals “try to accuse us that we are not in favor of democracy, while everyone knows that the first one who refuses the democratic option is President Abbas and his team.”


“Instead of taking unilateral steps like elections, they can act to spread freedom in the West Bank,” he said.

Human rights groups say both government­s have adopted increasing­ly authoritar­ian practices, such as blocking protests and detaining dissidents, as part of their crackdown on political rivals.

Fayyad said Palestinia­ns demand elections at a time of a widespread democratic upheaval across the region. “They see elections being held in the Arab world but not here,” he told reporters.

Abbas has said he cannot move forward with elections unless Israel allows voting in occupied east Jerusalem, the sector it annexed after capturing it in the 1967 Mideast War. Israel is unlikely to allow such a vote. The Palestinia­ns want east Jerusalem to be part of their future state, along with the West Bank and Gaza.


“I don’t think holding elections in parts of the country means enshrining the split,” Fayyad added. “The idea is to call for parliament elections and not presidenti­al elections.”

Abbas appointed Fayyad as prime minister in June 2007, after Hamas seized Gaza by force. The takeover led to separate government­s that became increasing­ly entrenched in their respective territorie­s. Under the stalled unity deal, Abbas was to replace Fayyad as prime minister of an interim government.

Fayyad, a political independen­t, has strong ties with the internatio­nal community, but his relations with Abbas and Fatah have become increasing­ly tense in recent months. He has won praise at home as an effective administra­tor, stealing some of the spotlight from Abbas, and appears to be raising his political profile. He recently said he would consider running for office if the circumstan­ces are right.

Abbas, meanwhile, has toured several West Bank towns in recent weeks, in marked contrast to his usual routine of going on diplomatic missions abroad or staying in his West Bank government compound.


 ??  ?? Military honours Egyptian soldiers carry coffins of their comrades, who were killed on Sunday during an attack at a checkpoint along the Sinai border with Israel by militants in Cairo yesterday. The coffins, wrapped in Egypt’s red-white-and-black flag,...
Military honours Egyptian soldiers carry coffins of their comrades, who were killed on Sunday during an attack at a checkpoint along the Sinai border with Israel by militants in Cairo yesterday. The coffins, wrapped in Egypt’s red-white-and-black flag,...
 ??  ?? Salam Fayyad
Salam Fayyad AP

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