Gulf News

A-bomb survivors warn of dangers

Fukushima crisis highlights worry about long-term effects of nuclear radiation

- — Agencies — AFP

The scars that still mark Sunao Tsuboi’s face from the wartime bombing of Hiroshima are a grim reminder of the power of the atom as a wave of nuclear wariness sweeps post-Fukushima Japan.

Around 140,000 people perished instantly in the searing heat or from radiation in the days and months after a US plane unleashed the deadliest weapon ever used and ushered in the nuclear age.

Nearly seven decades later, Tsuboi, one of a dwindling number of survivors of the first ever atomic attack, is raising his voice against nuclear power in a country still reeling from the tsunami-sparked catastroph­e of March 2011.

“In terms of being nuclear victims, we are the same,” Tsuboi, 87, said of those af-

In terms of being nuclear victims, we are the same ... Nuclear technology is beyond human wisdom... I still want to see a nuclear-free world while I’m alive.”

S u n a o Ts u b o i

| Atom bomb survivor

fected by the Fukushima crisis. He was on his way to university when the bomb exploded over Hiroshima in a flash of blinding light and intense heat on August 6, 1945.

As well as his burns, Tsuboi has also suffered intestinal cancer that may be linked to radiation exposure, and says he sees little difference in the dangers posed by atomic weapons and atomic power.

“Nuclear technology is beyond human wisdom ... I still want to see a nuclear-free world while I’m alive,” he said.

His appeal comes as a bitter debate swirls over the future of Japan’s 50 remaining reactors, which once met around a third of the country’s electric- ity needs, but which were shuttered following the meltdowns at Fukushima.

Fears of electricit­y shortages have led to the government ordering restarts at two reactors, despite an increasing­ly vocal anti-nuclear movement in a country largely unused to public protest.

Those who experience­d the Second World War bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, said television images of the Fukushima crisis brought back terrible memories. “The TV reminded me of the dreadful scenes,” saida Misako Katani, 82, one of just a few living victims who survived both bombings. No one is officially recorded as having died as a result of the Fukushima disaster, but many who fled the area and those who remain, including workers decommissi­oning the crippled plant, worry about the longterm effects.

The quake-sparked tsunami knocked out the reactors’ cooling systems, causing meltdowns that spread radiation over a large area and forced thousands to evacuate.

Scientists have warned it could be decades before it is safe for some people to return to their homes. Sachiko Sato, a Fukushima evacuee who was among tens of thousands of people attending an the Hiroshima commemorat­ion event on Monday, said: “I think we can share the same sadness with people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

“In my mind, Fukushima is like a third nuclear victim following Hiroshima and Nagasaki.” Atom bomb survivor Toshiyuki Mimaki, 70, added: “We want to work together with people in Fukushima and join our voices in calling for no more nuclear victims.”

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