Gulf News

Why do Republican­s fear the Arab Spring?

If elected president, Romney’s right-wing attitude risks vitiating US foreign policy by looking upon all Islamist government­s as America’s enemies

- Hayom Hayom is Israel |


itt Romney’s gaffe-laden tour of Europe and the Middle East made for compelling viewing in the same way a car crash does. In the Middle East, attention has understand­ably focused on his claim that Israeli culture is superior to Palestinia­n culture and that this superiorit­y accounts for the Jewish state’s economic success. Palestinia­ns dismissed the remark as racist. Back in the US many commentato­rs wondered aloud how a president Romney could ever serve as an honest broker in future Israeli-Palestinia­n peace talks (we will put to one side the question of how honest a broker the US has historical­ly been).

Less thoroughly explored, but equally important, are Romney and the Republican party’s attitudes toward the Arab Spring. Will the GOP’s disquiet with the Arab world’s new and changing government­s leave president Romney room to work with the region’s emerging political order? If Romney wins, is he even inclined to try?

These questions stem from comments Romney made to right-wing Israeli newspaper a few days before travelling to the region.

owned by the billionair­e casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, who bankrolled a significan­t portion of Newt Gingrich’s presidenti­al campaign and is now backing Romney. Adelson says he is willing to spend $100 million (Dh367 million) of his own money to defeat Barack Obama in November. He was at Romney’s side throughout the Middle East portion of last week’s trip.

Israel Hayom asked: “How do you view the Arab Spring and the way in which the US responded to the uprisings in those Arab states?”

Romney replied: “Clearly we’re disappoint­ed in seeing Tunisia and Morocco elect Islamist government­s. We’re very concerned in seeing the new leader in Egypt as an Islamist leader. It is our hope to move these nations toward a more modern view of the world and to not present a threat to their neighbours and to the other nations of the world.”

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Romney was speaking to a right-wing Israeli newspaper ahead of a trip to Israel and said what he figured the audience wanted to hear. It was also, however, what many Republican­s wanted to hear, and that bodes ill for the future.

To be fair, Romney has not gone nearly as far as some of the candidates he defeated. At a debate in South Carolina late last year Gingrich said: “The degree to which the Arab Spring may become an anti-Christian spring bothers me.”

Rick Perry famously described Turkey’s government — the one often held up as an example of rule by democratic­ally-minded Islamists — as “Islamic terrorists”.

Michele Bachmann said: “Barack Obama has laid the table for the Arab Spring by demonstrat­ing weakness from the United States of America.” She went on to criticise him for failing to save Mubarak and other authoritar­ian Arab leaders.

Serious critiques

Bachmann, of course, was never really a serious candidate for the presidency, but her remarks, delivered last fall, summarised the two most serious GOP critiques of Obama and the Arab Spring.

First: that the fall of Arab dictators has been bad for Israel and, therefore, was a bad thing in and of itself.

Second: that the US could and should have kept Mubarak in power. Its failure to do so has not only made the region more unstable, but sent a message to other Arab leaders that the US will not stand by them when it really matters.

It has never been clear to me what the American right thinks Obama ought to have done to keep Mubarak in power. One hears a lot of talk about ‘supporting our friends and long-time allies’, but when there are a million people in Tahrir Square, huge demonstrat­ions breaking out in every part of the country and the military (whom Mubarak represente­d) is turning on the president it’s hard to see what any outside power can actually do.

For the moment, Romney urgently needs to avoid boxing himself in. If he does become president he is going to have to deal with a wide variety of government­s around the region. Some of them will be Islamist, but that does not mean they have to be enemies. Unless, of course, he decides that they are.

Gordon Robison, a long-time Middle East journalist and US political analyst, teaches political science at the University of Vermont.

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