Gulf News

Filipinos urged to save for emergency fund

Scheme to help tackle disasters will start next year, Philippine ambassador says


Aprogramme to encourage Filipinos in the UAE to save and be prepared for calamities back home will be launched in the UAE next year, the Philippine envoy told

yesterday. Philippine Ambassador to the UAE Grace Princesa said she plans to pioneer a savings and emergency fund scheme for Filipinos in the UAE in associatio­n with a Philippine bank by next year.

“It’s basically a voluntary savings and emergency scheme for disaster preparedne­ss. It’s important for us to develop that savings mentality among our compatriot­s because they are usually the ones who suffer badly whenever a disaster strikes the country and affects their families back home,” Princesa said.

Programme ‘ Pinoy’

The programme, which will be called Pinoy — colloquial for Filipino — Bonds, was initiated because of the recent disasters that struck the country. Super typhoon Haiyan, which flattened provinces in central Philippine­s earlier this month, and a 7.2 magnitude earthquake that affected the same region in October are just a few of these deadly disasters.

Princesa was upset about the fact that many Filipino expatriate­s are often unprepared financiall­y when calamities hit their families. This should not be the case since the Philippine­s is one of the world’s most disaster- prone countries according to the World Disaster Report 2013 of the Internatio­nal Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

“The aim is to start with as low as Dh10 for a minimum bond. Think of it as skipping buying a Dh10 coffee... This is to encourage any Filipino in the UAE to join the scheme regardless of income,” Princesa said.

 ??  ?? Ahmed Kutty/ Gulf News
Ahmed Kutty/ Gulf News

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