Gulf News

Staying healthy

- — Compiled by Gopika Nair, intern at Gulf News

Exercise regularly:

Experts suggest that at least 2.5 hours a week of moderate activity or 1 hour a week of vigorous activity is necessary for overall well- being. Break it down, if need be, into ten minutes each.

Avoid stress and indulge in positive thinking:

The key is to maintainin­g emotional and mental equilibriu­m. Deep breathing is the top anti- stress technique, along with meditation, prayer, social support and exercise.

Quit smoking:

Quitting at age 30 could increase your life span by an entire decade, according to a British study.

Eat fruit and vegetables daily:

Follow a healthy diet of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, olive oil, and fish, which contain antioxidan­ts, every four hours or so or with each meal.

Avoid Sugar/ Fructose:

■ Limiting sugar in your diet is a well- known key to longevity, because sugar molecules are capable of inflicting damage to your body, experts warn. Limit added sugar to no more than 10% of total calorie intake.

Get enough sleep:

Research links fewer hours of sleeping to high blood pressure, diabetes and weight gain. Make sleep a priority more often and your body will thank you.

Make Friends:

Your friends keep you young. Figure out a permanent place in your schedule to spend time with them.


Letting go of grudges has surprising physical health benefits, studies show. Get regular health check- ups. ■

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