Gulf News

Their Little Mix mark

- Photos courtesy Sony

female empowermen­t and stuff, but we’re not extreme with it. I think our main reason why we’re so involved in that is because we are just really passionate. Because, especially in the media and stuff, it’s so difficult being a woman, or being a young girl growing up today. Every magazine, someone’s talking about someone’s weight or how they look. When we write our music, we make sure our lyrics inspire — especially the young fans — to feel more confident about themselves and ignore any kind of hateful com- ments. But, I mean, our music is for boys, as well.

Jade, you’ve been dubbed the quiet one. How do you feel about that label?

I don’t mind it! I’m quite loud at home, and people think I’m the loud one. I think it’s just when [ the three girls and I] are next to each other, that’s when it looks a bit different. Everyone’s got a role to play in a girl band, and I don’t mind being dubbed the quiet one. I mean, Posh [ Victoria Beckham] was the quiet one, and look where she is now.

In the press, you’re always asked about One Direction. Does it annoy you to constantly be put in the same category as them?

A lot of people say that we’re similar, and I’m like ‘ really?’ We don’t mind, obviously, we don’t expect to not be asked. Sometimes when interviewe­rs are like ‘ oh, I think you’re heading toward the direction of being as successful as them’, then that’s a lovely thing to say. It’s just when it’s an interview about them, that’s when it gets annoying.

Do you value the privacy you’re afforded by having a smaller status than One Direction or are you looking forward to a limitless sort of fame?

We would love to be as successful as One Direction, but obviously there comes a price with it, doesn’t there? I’d be a bit scared of not being able to leave the house without someone following us, or having hundreds of fans outside your house. It’s different for boys, especially — girls go absolutely hysterical for them because they fancy them, whereas for us, girls look up to us and they like our sound, but they wouldn’t necessaril­y come and run over to us and rip a bit of our hair out. I think we’re at a good level at the minute, but we would like to be bigger, obviously.

How would you want to be remembered?

I just want people to think that, maybe in ten years time, to look back and think that Little Mix were an amazing girl band, one of the best in the world. That’s when I know I’ll be proud of what we’ve achieved.

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