Gulf News

Horror film brought ‘ StarWars’ toUAE


Why, of all places, did JJ Abrams choose the Abu Dhabi desert to film scenes for his hotlyawait­ed StarWars reboot? Andwhy did both Hollywood starVin Diesel and Bollywood’s answer Hrithik Roshan zoom sports cars down the streets of theUAE capital, for Fast& Furious 7 and Bang Bang! respective­ly? For that, you have a horror movie to thank. Whilewatch­ing exorcism thriller DeliverUs From Evil, make sure you’re not fiddling with your popcorn during the opening moments. As an army helicopter flies over rolling sand dunes, a title announces it’s Iraq in 2010. Except it’s not, really; it’s Abu Dhabi in 2013.

The fly- over footage of the desert and the following scenes of close- range battle in a palm grovewere shot in the distant Liwa desert of theWestern Region of the UAE in the first feature film production shoot under the Abu Dhabi Film Commission ( ADFC)’ s rebate programme, a programme that’s been so successful that it’s bringing ever more major production­s to the country.

Only five internatio­nal crewwere brought in to shoot the film— made by Sony Screen Gems and Jerry Bruckheime­r— and that’s a sign of the UAE’s film production strength, says Paul Baker, executive director of twofour54 intaj. “The guys have gone back to Los Angeles. Los Angeles talks and clearly you can see fromthe other films thatwe’ve had in such a short time, thatwe are delivering. That is testament that goes back to Sony Screen Gems and Bruckheime­r, for taking that leap of faith thatwe could deliver.”

ADFC’s 30 per cent rebate— open to anyone making longformTV­or film in theUAE — puts Abu Dhabi on the same playing field as other locations such as NewZealand and the UK, says Baker. “As a producer, you have a very clear understand­ing ofwhat it’s going to cost to produce in Abu Dhabi.”

And while it’s paying off for producers, the rebate has a very real financial impact for the UAE: According to a report by PWC on the first year of the rebate, for every dirham put into the rebate, Dh4.5 is going back in the UAE’s GDP.

Supporting the five internatio­nal crewon the set of DeliverUs From Evilwere the UAE’s film industry— both expats and locals.

“Whatwe have to do throughADF­C is make surewe have as much production as possible, because that’s what makes a sustainabl­e industry. There’s a very important focus from our perspectiv­e about building up theUAE production environmen­t. What will support them and is one of the primary factors of attracting­US studios, is that young Emiratis experience what it is towork on a Hollywood film, and those skills get transferre­d.”

The next experience is likely to be a Bollywood one, with three films lined up to film in Abu Dhabi this year, says Baker, including one starting in the next fewweeks.

— N. L.

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