Gulf News

China, Russia and the Sinatra Doctrine

Henceforth, it seems, America will endorse the idea that all nations can do it their way

- By Gideon Rachman

For centuries, European navies roamed the world’s seas — to explore, to trade, to establish empires and to wage war. So it will be quite a moment when the Chinese navy appears in the Mediterran­ean next spring, on joint exercises with the Russians. This plan to hold naval exercises was announced in Beijing last week, after a Russian- Chinese meeting devoted to military cooperatio­n between the two countries.

The Chinese will doubtless enjoy the symbolism of floating their boats in the traditiona­l heartland of European civilisati­on. But, beyond symbolism, Russia and China are also making an important statement about world affairs. Both nations object to western military operations close to their borders. China complains about US naval patrols just off its coast; Russia rails against the expansion of Nato. By staging joint exercises in the Mediterran­ean, the Chinese and Russians would send a deliberate message: If Nato can patrol near their frontiers, they too can patrol in Nato’s heartland.

Behind this muscle- flexing, however, the Russians and Chinese are pushing for a broader reordering of world affairs, based around the idea of “spheres of influence”. Both China and Russia believe that they should have veto rights about what goes on in their immediate neighbourh­oods. Russia argues that it is unacceptab­le that Ukraine — a country ruled from Moscow for centuries — should now join the western alliance. Putin’s aspiration for a “Eurasian Union” also seems intended to re- establish a Russian zone of influence over much of the former Soviet Union — which could then counterbal­ance the European Union ( EU).

Until recently, China relied primarily on its economic might to spread its influence throughout Asia, but Beijing has now also become more directly assertive on security matters. It is pursuing its territoria­l disputes with neighbours such as Vietnam and Japan with increased energy. Last year, Beijing also declared an “air defence identifica­tion zone” in the East China Sea — insisting that foreign aircraft declare themselves to the Chinese authoritie­s.

There are some in the West who suggest that — on grounds of pragmatism and in the interests of peace — Russia and China should be tacitly granted these “spheres of influence”. In a recent interview with Der Spiegel, Henry Kissinger made it clear that he regarded it as reasonable to tell Ukraine that it is not free to decide its own future.

Sphere of influence

The Obama administra­tion, however, has explicitly set itself against this idea. Tony Blinken, US Deputy National Security Adviser, has said of Russia’s aspiration­s: “We continue to reject the notion of a sphere of influence. We continue to stand by the right of sovereign democracie­s to choose their own alliances.” The Americans believe that the argument about spheres of influence is about the defence of a fundamenta­l principle. If undemocrat­ic countries, such as Russia and China, are conceded a sphere of influence in their neighbourh­oods, they are implicitly granted a veto over the policies pursued by nominally independen­t nations. Russia can forbid Ukraine from joining Nato or the EU. China can force Vietnam, the Philippine­s — or even Japan — to pay tribute.

As far as the Russians and Chinese are concerned, however, this is an argument that is fundamenta­lly about power — and all US talk about “principle” is simply hy- pocrisy. After all, ever since the Monroe Doctrine was announced in 1823, America has proclaimed its intention to keep outsiders away from its own hemisphere. Indeed, as Moscow sees it, America’s global military reach is so pervasive that Washington has got used to treating the whole world as its “sphere of influence”.

The American response is to point out that the US global military presence is built around alliances between willing partners. Indeed, in an effort to underline the idea that America now genuinely repudiates the idea of spheres of influence, John Kerry, the US Secretary of State, even declared last year that “the era of the Monroe Doctrine is dead”. Henceforth, it seems, America will endorse what a Soviet spokesman once called “the Sinatra Doctrine” — the idea that all nations can do it their way. It will not be hard for the government­s in Moscow and Beijing to point to continuing inconsiste­ncies in America’s rejection of spheres of influence. But the US argument still rests on a basic truth. There is a vast difference between a sphere of influence based on willing consent and one that is constructe­d around intimidati­on and force.

It seems to be almost a rule that the closer a country is to any putative Russian or Chinese sphere of influence, the more eager it is to cement an alliance with the US. The arrival of the Chinese navy in the Mediterran­ean next year may only add to the persuasive pull of Nato.

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