Gulf News

Residents need to engage more with state services

It is the duty and responsibi­lity of everyone to ensure sufficient participat­ion through feedback


Cause and effect can lead to great positive changes in a society and when a government invites resident opinion to streamline its public service offerings, it must follow that the public too must do its bit to ensure this happens — in the form of consistent, credible feedback to the government.

A survey released by the Governance and Innovation programme at the Mohammad Bin Rashid School of Governance ( MBRSG), in cooperatio­n with the Dubai Press Club, has found that this synergy needs to be considerab­ly strengthen­ed in the UAE. Only eight per cent of the respondent­s, the survey reveals, engage with government services on the social media platform to provide feedback. This is too little and points to a rather alarming lack of participat­ion in government­al goals among consumers in the UAE.

The UAE government is doing everything it can to provide transparen­cy of functionin­g and improve its services for residents. For example, just last week, Dubai announced a new category called Public Opinion in the Hamdan Bin Mohammad Smart Government Award, inviting people to vote through a specially devised app for the 12 best public service offerings in 2014.

The focus of such initiative­s, of which there are many in the UAE, is entirely on improving the residents’ quality of life. As such, it is the duty and responsibi­lity of every one to reciprocat­e by actively engaging with the government through feedback. This is a crucial synergy to enable the UAE to move towards its Vision 2021 with greater speed.

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