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World- renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid! Aries ( March 20 – April 19)

If in the past you’ve had no problem dividing duties and obligation­s between you and others, things are different now. More important, some of those changes involve finances. That being the case, you’re urged to ensure that everybody knows where they stand and, importantl­y, who owes what to whom.

Taurus ( April 20 – May 20)

As a Taurus and somebody who thrives on stability, once you make a plan you prefer to stick to it. However, keep in mind that as disruptive as the events triggered by the alliance between your ruler Venus and the inventive Uranus may be, in retrospect you’ll regard events as breakthrou­ghs.

Gemini ( May 21 – June 20)

You’re usually the first to respond to new ideas or explore the unfamiliar territory that others regard as risky if not unsavoury. Now, however, your mood is cautious. This is wise. With the actual foundation on which situations are based shifting, you’re better off asking lots of questions and taking things slowly.

Cancer ( June 21 – July 21)

While there’s no way around certain disappoint­ments, these are a blessing in disguise. The sooner you let go of existing plans the more swiftly you’ll be in a position to explore various ideas or offers that thus far you’ve ignored. Once you learn more you’ll realise just how promising they are.

Leo ( July 22 – August 22)

Although it’s easy to spot circumstan­ces where others are being stubborn, when it comes to you it’s another matter. Only much later do you realise you simply ignored worthwhile options or even opportunit­ies. This is the case now. The secret? You need only listen to them, then take the advice of others.

Virgo ( August 23 – September 22)

As much as you dislike it, every once in a while you must confront somebody about their sloppy planning. This isn’t fun. But if you don’t say something now they’ll assume you’re happy with their approach. Worse, you’ll have to deal with their mistakes now and in the future as well.

Libra ( September 23 – October 22)

This has happened recently and it will happen again. Somebody who’s usually reliable has let you down at the last minute. Judging by the unsettled planetary set- up, everybody is facing sudden changes in plan including you. Rather than battle this cycle, ensure that whatever you organise is flexible.

Scorpio ( October 23 – November 21)

For the past several months there’s been talk of potential changes in elements of your work or lifestyle. Fortunatel­y, thus far you’ve been able to put these off. Once Mars moves to accent such matters late next week the pace and intensity will increase. Explore these and you’ll be prepared for what’s next. Sagittariu­s

( November 22 – December 20)

In a month’s time the planet of focus and achievemen­t, Saturn, moves into Sagittariu­s. This begins a lengthy cycle of challenge, growth and achievemen­t. Between now and then, you’ll feel the urge to declutter your life. This is wise and will involve everything from existing arrangemen­ts to long cherished goals. Capricorn

( December 21 – January 19)

It’s not that you’ve been secretive. You’ve seen no reason to discuss matters which upset you and could give certain individual­s the advantage. Yet with the communicat­ion planet Mercury meeting your ruler Saturn, such conversati­ons are vital. Once you’re exchanging ideas with others you’ll see why. Aquarius

( January 20 – February 17)

Few things are more annoying than learning others have been discussing your future without even mentioning it to you. Be reassured. These conversati­ons weren’t planned. More important, they’ve dealt with many issues already, leaving you well positioned. If anything, you should thank them.

Pisces ( February 18 – March 19)

Often enough, in the past you’ve been so caught up with the needs of others that you neglected your own requiremen­ts. While you’re learned how unwise this is, you’re on the verge of doing it again. Think carefully about the commitment­s you’re making. Others can and should deal with their own problems.

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Happy B- Day ARJUN RAMPAL 42
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