Gulf News

Proposal sees Haftar as Libya army chief

Decision shows influence of military figures in the official government


The president of Libya’s elected parliament has proposed appointing army general Khalifa Haftar as top army commander, parliament’s spokesman said yesterday.

The decision shows the increasing influence of military figures in the official government and parliament, which has been forced to operate from eastern Libya since an armed group called Libya Dawn seized the capital Tripoli in summer.

“Mr Aguila Saleh [parliament’s president] has proposed to appoint Haftar,” spokesman Farraj Hashem said. “The House of Representa­tives supports this.” He said a decree appointing Haftar would still need to be signed by Saleh, who has quasi-presidenti­al powers.

Haftar, an army general, has emerged as would-be strongman in the east, where internatio­nally recognised prime minister Abdullah Al Thinni has been based since losing control of Tripoli.

Haftar, who helped Muammar Gaddafi into power before falling out with him in the 80s and joining the 2011 uprising against his rule, has merged his forces with army troops in the east to fight Islamist groups.

Critics say Haftar is sidelining Al Thinni and sees himself as the Libyan version of Egyptian President Abdul Fattah Al Sissi, the former chief of staff who toppled an Islamist president after mass protest to his rule.

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