Gulf News

Manila to send home Chinese energy experts

Filipinos now have the skills to do the technician­s’ work, officials believe Political relations between the Philippine­s and China have steadily worsened in recent years over their rival claims to parts of the South China Sea, which is believed to contain


The Philippine­s said yesterday it would end Chinese technical involvemen­t in running the country’s power grid, partly due to national security concerns.

All 16 Chinese technician­s currently working for the National Grid Corporatio­n of the Philippine­s will be sent home by July, Energy Secretary Jericho Petilla said.

The State Grid Corporatio­n of China has a 40 per cent stake in the Philippine firm, which operates and maintains the nation’s power grid, but Petilla said the government wanted only Filipinos to run it.

Asked if security issues were behind the decision to send the Chinese home, Petilla said via text message that “it certainly is a concern of NSA,” referring to the government’s National Security Adviser. He said the Department of Energy also believed that Filipinos now have the skills to do the work being done by the Chinese, which complicate­s their visa status.

“Hence, to harmonise those concerns, it was agreed last year that the management and technical operation will be run by an all-Filipino team by July,” Petilla said.

However, Petilla said the Chinese company would retain its stake in the National Grid Corp. This means that two Chinese will remain as board members representi­ng their company.

Political relations

between the Philippine­s and China have steadily worsened in recent years over their rival claims to parts of the South China Sea, which is believed to contain vast gas and oil deposits.

The Philippine­s has charged China with fortifying islets in the disputed area to possibly turn them into armed outposts, while accusing it of bullying diplomatic tactics.

It has also infuriated Beijing by asking a United Nations tribunal to rule the Chinese maritime claims are invalid. China has refused to recognise the legal proceeding­s.

Over the weekend, prominent Philippine politician Senator Miriam Santiago expressed concern over foreign involvemen­t in the National Grid Corp.

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