Gulf News

Obama vetoes Keystone XL pipeline, leaving it in limbo



President Barack Obama on Tuesday swiftly vetoed a Republican bill approving the Keystone XL oil pipeline, leaving the long-debated project in limbo for another indefinite period.

The US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, after receiving Obama’s veto message, immediatel­y countered by announcing the Republican­led chamber would attempt to override it by March 3.

That is unlikely. Despite their majority, Republican­s are four votes short of being able to overturn Obama’s veto.

They have vowed to attach language approving the pipeline to a spending bill or other legislatio­n later in the year that the president would find difficult to veto.

The TransCanad­a Corp pipeline would carry 830,000 barrels a day of mostly Canadian oil sands crude to Nebraska en route to refineries and ports along the US Gulf. It has been pending for more than six years.

Obama, who rejected the bill hours after it was sent to the White House, said the measure unwisely bypassed a State Department process that will determine whether the project would be beneficial to the US.

“Through this bill, the United States Congress attempts to circumvent long-standing and proven processes for determinin­g whether or not building and operating a cross-border pipeline serves the national interest,” he wrote in his veto message.

Republican­s, who support the project because of its jobcreatio­n potential, made passing a bill a top priority after the November election, when they gained control of the US Senate and strengthen­ed their majority in the House of Representa­tives.

Climate change

The bill passed by 270-152 in the House earlier this month and cleared the Senate in January.

Obama has played down Keystone XL’s ability to create jobs and raised questions about its effects on climate change.

Environmen­talists, who made up part of the coalition that elected the president in 2008 and 2012, oppose the project because of carbon emissions involved in getting the oil it would carry out of Canadian tar sands.

TransCanad­a Chief Executive Russ Girling said in a statement the company was “fully committed” to Keystone XL despite Obama’s veto and would work with the State Department to answer any questions it has about the project.

Opponents of the pipeline praised Obama’s move.

“This veto, along with the president’s increasing public scepticism about Keystone XL ... makes us more confident than ever that [the] president will reject the permit itself once and for all,” said Gene Karpinski, president of the League of Conservati­on Voters, another pipeline opponent.

Environmen­tal extremists

Republican­s lambasted Obama. “The president’s veto of the Keystone jobs bill is a national embarrassm­ent,” said Republican House Speaker John Boehner. “The president is just too close to environmen­tal extremists to stand up for America’s workers. He’s too invested in left-fringe politics to do what presidents are called on to do, and that’s put the national interest first.” Obama will make a final decision on the project once the State Department finishes its review, expected in the coming weeks.

But the issue is likely to remain central in Washington’s political back-and-forth for some time.

The chairman of the House Oversight Committee, Jason Chaffetz, sent a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry on Tuesday asking for all reports and documents received by the State Department from other government agencies about the project, according to an aide.

 ?? Reuters ?? Show of support Veto supporters rally in front of the White House on the day President Barack Obama vetoed a Republican bill approving the Keystone XL oil pipeline on Tuesday.
Reuters Show of support Veto supporters rally in front of the White House on the day President Barack Obama vetoed a Republican bill approving the Keystone XL oil pipeline on Tuesday.

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