Gulf News

Labour promises varsity tuition fee cut

Move aims to woo voters ahead of elections but Liberal Democrats say it is ‘financiall­y illiterate’


Britain’s opposition Labour Party yesterday promised to cut university tuition fees by a third as it sought to woo voters ahead of a close-fought election in just over two months time.

British university bosses had warned Labour against reducing fees, which have almost tripled to £9,000 pounds (Dh50,973) a year under the Conservati­ve-led coalition government, saying it would open up a £10 billion funding gap.

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“We are a country where it is now almost taken for granted that young people will find life harder than their parents, we are going to turn that round,” said Labour leader Ed Miliband in a speech at Leeds University.

Miliband, whose party is neck-and-neck with Prime Minister David Cameron’s Conservati­ves in many polls ahead of the May 7 vote, said the cut would be paid for by reducing pension tax relief for the wealthy. Tuition fees would be cut for both new and existing students from September 2016, he said.

Last year, the Institute for Fiscal Studies said the rise in fees had increased uncertaint­y over the public cost of funding higher education, estimating that every £1 of loans issued cost the government just a little more than 43p in part due to the proportion that are never repaid in full. “The scourge of debt from tuition fees is not only holding back our young people it is a burden on our country,” Miliband said.

Junior coalition partner, the Liberal Democrats party, which has seen its poll ratings slump partly due to a broken 2010 pledge to scrap the fees, described Labour’s plans as “financiall­y illiterate” and said they would only benefit the wealthiest graduates.

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