Gulf News

China’s fertile ground for Daesh recruiters

Beijing’s crackdown on the Uighur ethnic group the Xinjiang province has been counterin productive in tackling rising terror threats

- By Adam Minter

Three hundred Chinese citizens, members of the country’s Uighur ethnic group, have recently travelled to the Middle East to join Daesh (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant). Those Uighurs are part of a broader Muslim migration, spurred by a government crackdown, away from China’s western province of Xinjiang, where Muslims have lived for over 1,000 years. Although they were designed to dampen Islamic separatism, Chinese policies in the region are creating fertile ground for Islamic extremism.

In 1949, 82 per cent of the people living in Xinjiang were Uighurs. In the decades since, a government-sponsored influx of Han Chinese has changed the province’s ethnic makeup. By 2010, Xinjiang’s 10 million Uighurs accounted for just 46.3 per cent of the population, according to that year’s census.

Uighurs claim that the government favours Han when handing out licenses to start businesses or use the region’s natural resource such as coal, oil and gas, and iron ore. Uighur resentment­s have turned violent. During the 1990s, and again in the late 2000s, ethnic riots and protests were frequent. Street violence in July 2009 was the deadliest in China since the Cultural Revolution, resulting in the deaths of more than 180 people, mostly Han.

In response, the Chinese government began a crackdown that has yet to relent. Over the past year, especially, the Chinese government has focused on Uighurs’ practice of Islam as a potentiall­y subversive threat. Last July, during Ramadan, the state not only prohibited the religiousl­y prescribed fast, but coerced many Muslims to eat. For example, some university students were forced to eat lunch with their professors. Beards and moustaches have been banned. Women are barred from wearing veils and head coverings in public in much of Xinjiang — including, as of February 1, in the provincial capital, Urumqi.

The crackdown is happening in parallel with the rise of conservati­ve Islam, according to several reports. It may also be contributi­ng to it. Only a decade ago, the veil was rare in Xinjiang. These days, it has become a popular symbol of religious devotion and political disobedien­ce.

Many Uighurs are choosing to emigrate. Last month, Bloomberg News reported that there were 260,000 Uighurs living in Kazakhstan, driven there from Xinjiang by a search for religious freedom.

Poor conditions

Terror is increasing­ly common, too. In March 2014, knifewield­ing Uighurs killed 31 people and injured 140 in a train station in Kunming. Last Monday, Radio Free Asia reported that a suicide bomber had killed eight in southern Xinjiang the previous week. Government retaliatio­n for attacks has been brutal. In August, Chinese state media reported that police officers had “gunned down 59 terrorists and arrested 215 others” in response to a late July terror attack that killed 37 civilians and injured 13 others.

Many Uighurs are choosing to emigrate. Last month, Bloomberg News reported that there were 260,000 Uighurs living in Kazakhstan, driven there from Xinjiang by a search for religious freedom. Likewise, the news website Al Monitor reported that there are “about 6,000” Uighurs living in poor conditions in Turkey. Among these emigrants are the 300 Uighurs whose destinatio­n has been Daesh. The Al Monitor report, for example, highlighte­d the story of a Uighur family that had gone to live with Daesh — and then fled back to Turkey when they did not like what they found there. They have no plans to go back to China.

That probably will not reassure Chinese authoritie­s determined to make Xinjiang — and China — safe from the threat of terror. Other Uighurs who spend time with Daesh, after all, may take a path that leads home.

Adam Minter is an American writer based in Asia, where he covers politics, culture and business.

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