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World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid! Aries (March 20 – April 19) After several frustratin­g weeks things are finally moving swiftly. This isn’t just a relief, it means you can ignore the advice of certain individual­s. You regarded it as an intrusion anyway. Heed their suggestion­s. They know more than you think. Some of that will prove crucial and very soon. Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Welcome as changes are, you have been hoping that soon things would be clear enough that you could organise your life in the here and now and make future plans. It’s not that simple. Gratifying as having things organised would be, it would hold you back from exploring new options. These are your priority. Gemini (May 21 – June 20) It’s rare that you get caught in the power struggles that seem to overshadow the lives of others. But the habits or attitude of one particular individual isn’t just bothering you, this could lead to a rift. Actually that’s best. Not until then will anybody including you be willing to discuss matters frankly. Cancer (June 21 – July 22) In late December the conscienti­ous Saturn moved to accent your daily routine in general and how you look after your physical health in particular. The odds are good since then you have been giving thought to, if not actually exploring, ways to take better care of yourself. The time has come to put them into action. Leo (July 23 – August 22) Recently you brushed off an offer mostly because you didn’t want to bother anybody with what you could deal with. What you didn’t realise is, this was meant as a favour, an act of appreciati­on. Knowing that, you are urged to go back, apologise and say an enthusiast­ic “yes, thank you”. Virgo (August 23 – September 22) Only a short time ago you would have battled to keep familiar arrangemen­ts going. True, recently they have been limping along. But now and over the next few days you’ll realise changes aren’t just wise, they are inevitable. While you are still short on facts you know enough that you have no doubts these are wise. Libra (September 23 – October 22) Disputes about what belongs to whom have been a source of conflict and are all too familiar. Now you are struggling with such a problem. You are, it seems, being forced to give up something you regard as yours. Still, consider how important this is, especially in the light of long-term relationsh­ips. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) Luck can appear in many forms. Now and over the coming weeks it’s likely to be both unexpected and, initially anyway, disruptive. But then, true changes often are. Still, your initial reaction is unlikely to be a positive one. Knowing that, at least consider every idea or offer that comes your way. Sagittariu­s (November 22 – December 21) Progress in one area of your life can mean you must ignore another, at least for a while. But as is becoming increasing­ly apparent, you really can’t leave anything unattended for too long. While the resulting juggling of both your time and attention will be exhausting, the results will be worth it. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) You dislike few things more than feeling vulnerable, either because you are not in control of circumstan­ces or are overwhelme­d by your feelings. Yet now these aren’t just important, they are about going with the flow. This in turn enables you to make changes that previously you have done all you could to avoid. Aquarius (January 20 – February 17) Fortunate as the planetary activity involving your ruler Uranus may be, that doesn’t mean the potential of events will be immediatel­y clear. In fact, some may seem setbacks, others pointless changes. Only in retrospect will everything come together. Knowing that, for now explore everything and refuse nothing. Pisces (February 18 – March 19) One particular question has been on your mind for days. It’s whether certain ideas, offers or changes are truly in your best interests. While you are short on facts, so can’t make a rational assessment, your intuition is already telling you what’s wise. And that is you should plunge into those changes.

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