Gulf News

Fears mount for Iraqi heritage after Daesh museum rampage

Unesco chief seeks emergency meeting of Security Council following ‘intolerabl­e’ demolition­s in Mosul


Archaeolog­ists expressed fears yesterday that after ransacking the Mosul museum in Iraq, Daesh militants would embark on a systematic destructio­n of heritage in areas under their control.

Particular­ly at risk are the ancient cities of Hatra, a Unesco World Heritage site, and Nimrud. Both are south of Mosul, which has been the militants’ main hub in Iraq since June last year.

“This is not the end of the story and the internatio­nal community must intervene,” said Abdul Amir Hamdani, an Iraqi archaeolog­ist at New York’s Stony Brook University.

Daesh released a video on Thursday showing its militants smashing ancient statues to pieces with sledgehamm­ers at the Mosul museum.

They were also seen using a jackhammer to deface a colossal Assyrian winged bull at the Nergal gate in the large archaeolog­ical park that lies in the city.

“They told the guards they would destroy Nimrud,” said Hamdani, who used to be based in Iraq with the department of antiquitie­s… This would be a real disaster,” he said by telephone from the US.

“Maybe they will also attack and destroy Hatra, it is a very isolated site in the desert.”

Hatra is a Unesco-listed site that lies in Daesh-controlled territory around 100km southwest of Mosul.

Unesco says the “remains of the city, especially the temples where Hellenisti­c and Roman architectu­re blend with Eastern decorative features, attest to the greatness of its civilisati­on.”

“I am afraid more destructio­n is in their pipeline,” said Ihsan Fethi, an Iraqi architect and heritage expert based in Jordan.

Unesco chief Irina Bokova said on Thursday she had sought an emergency meeting of the Security Council following the demolition­s in Mosul, which she called “intolerabl­e.”

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