Gulf News

The truth behind a perilous journey

Looking at the migrants’ desperate bid to cross the Mediterran­ean, those who insist that the West can’t take in the world’s misery must acknowledg­e how much of that misery they themselves are responsibl­e for

- By Gary Younge

While travelling up the USMexican border several years ago, I met an antiimmigr­ation campaigner in Columbus, New Mexico, who went by the name of Quasimodo and who had carried a .38 pistol around with him ever since he went into an abandoned house and found some Latinos there.

“I looked around and there were 12 guys just 10 feet away looking at me,” he said. “Did they attack you?” I asked. “No,” he said. “Did they look as you?” “No.” “Has an illegal immigrant ever attacked you?”

“No. But they could have ... if they wanted to.”

They were not interested in him. They had more basic needs. As we wandered the cactus-studded desert around his house we saw bottles of water hung on trees that pro-immigratio­n campaigner­s had put out for the migrants who had made it that far.

“I know they think they’re doing a good thing,” Quasimodo explained. “But they’re really just encouragin­g people to make this dangerous journey and put their lives at risk.”

And so it was that, in order to satisfy a baseless fear, Quasimodo created a rationale where depriving the thirsty of water was in their own interests.

It would be comforting to blame anti-immigratio­n culture] solely on policy. It would also be dishonest.

The British government’s response to the boatloads of refugees trying to make it across the Mediterran­ean was driven by the same warped logic. Tory minister Baroness Anelay’s claim last year that supporting search and rescue missions for sinking vessels was a “pull factor”, encouragin­g more migrants to attempt the dangerous sea crossing” , convinced others in the European Union. Sure enough, when they stopped trying to save drowning people, they drowned. It took that very predictabl­e, horrific fact to actually occur – more than 1,000 people have died in the Mediterran­ean over the past fortnight – to force a panicked reverse in EU policy.

It would be comforting, in an election season, to blame this solely on Tory policy. It would also be dishonest. The reason the Tories thought they could get away with pushing such a heinous plan is because they felt there would be no electoral price

if they might attack [the Tory to pay for beating up on foreigners. Labour, with its “Controls on immigratio­n” mug, has wilfully contribute­d to a political culture whereby immigratio­n is understood not as an enriching opportunit­y but a sickness of which migrants are the most obvious symptom. Generally speaking, the opposition has not challenged the prevailing misconcept­ions but pandered to them.

What drives these fears is not difficult to fathom. Throughout Europe, xenophobic and racist parties shape the agenda, preying on people’s ignorance and fear. According to Ipsos/Mori, Brits and Spaniards believe they have twice as many immigrants in their country as there actually are; in Italy, Belgium and France it’s closer to three times; in Hungary it’s eight times; in Poland, more than 30. No wonder they are freaked out. The truth is, the facts on immigratio­n do not fit easily on a mug, whereas the politics of xenophobia can be condensed into a single sentence.

Lack of an immigratio­n policy

Insofar as last week’s shift — a return to search and rescue missions and more funding for patrols — will save more lives in the short term, it is welcome. The European Union (EU), the foundation­s of which emerged from the Second World War, was rooted in the desire to prevent inhumanity ever again blighting the continent. Leaving poor people to die on its shores in the hope it will discourage more poor people from coming hardly qualifies for the social democratic ideals of its architects.

No substantia­l immigratio­n policy is possible that does not engage with foreign policy, historical inequity, internatio­nal trade and environmen­tal calamity. Around three billion people live on less than $2.50 (Dh9.19) a day. The global 99 per cent did not come about by accident. It is the result of centuries of colonisati­on, decades of imperialis­m and the current corruption that has allowed a handful of people, in different ways at different times, to steal natural resources and pilfer public goods. As Winston Churchill once said of Britain: “This small island [is] dependent for our daily bread on our trade and imperial connection­s. Cut this away and at least a third of our population must vanish speedily from the face of the earth.”

In more recent times, these inequaliti­es have been reinforced by a global trade system that operates according to the golden rule — that those who have the gold make the rules. On top of that, a large number of these people are displaced by wars. The top three nations from which maritime refugees to the EU come are Syria, Afghanista­n and Eritrea. The country where they are most likely to start their journey is Libya, which is now effectivel­y a failed state. In other words, many are running for their lives through countries the West has bombed. Those in the West who insist they cannot take in “the world’s misery” must, at the very least, acknowledg­e how much of that misery they are responsibl­e for.

This is not a question of guilt, but

The fundamenta­l issue, as David Wearing points out in his excellent recent article in Open Democracy, is not what is pulling migrants but what pushes them. By the time they have boarded these rickety vessels they have often paid thousands of dollars to be led through the desert. People do not make that kind of journey so they can come to the West and draw benefits. Their aim is not to capsize and be rescued, but to get to the other side.

Herein lies the basic, ugly folly behind so many short-term immigratio­n policies throughout the developed world. If you build a 10-foot fence to keep out people who are hungry, they will build an 11-foot ladder to climb over it. If you weaponise a fortress to repel people who fear hunger or war, they will seek ever more desperate ways to penetrate it. They have no choice. They are fighting for their lives. And we should support them.

If you build a 10-foot fence to keep out people who are hungry, they will build an 11-foot ladder to climb over it. If you weaponise a fortress to repel people ... they will seek ever more desperate ways to penetrate it.


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