Gulf News

Kardashian crew supports Bruce

Kim Kardashian West congratula­ted the former Olympian for his ability to be his ‘true self’


Bruce and Kris Jenner at Los Angeles Internatio­nal Airport last year. Kim Kardashian says she and her family support her stepfather Bruce Jenner 100 per cent as he goes through gender transition, even though family members are still adjusting to that news in what she called “a daily process”.

Her appearance on NBC’s Today show on Monday followed Jenner’s much-watched interview on Friday on ABC’s 20/20 when he publicly declared that he identifies as a woman.

Kardashian said that in going public, Jenner has found “inner peace and just pure happiness”.

She congratula­ted him for his ability to be his “true self”. She said she is happy that he is living his life the way he wants to live it.

She said: “It’s not something that you or I could fully understand, but I don’t even think we have to.”

Her mother, Kris Jenner, however is reportedly devastated she didn’t do more for her former husband.

“That interview made her think twice about herself and she thinks she’s failed miserably as his wife. Hearing Bruce say that they would still be together if she were able to handle his transition better than she did, sent chills throughout her entire body. She feels she failed him,” a source said.

But Jenner is said to have promised her that she was “the perfect wife”.

“Bruce assured her that she didn’t fail him and told her she was ‘the perfect wife’ and that ‘everything happens for a reason’.

“He begged Jenner to not feel guilty and reminded her that some of the best years he spent as a man were with her,” an insider said to HollywoodL­

Meanwhile, the couple’s children Kendall and Kylie Jenner have tweeted their support for the former Olympian.

“I’m very proud of the man that gave me everything I have, he’s my inspiratio­n to be strong every single day no matter what, I love you dad [sic],” Kylie wrote.

Kendall added: “Dad... It’s been a tough road, but I’m proud of you and I’ll always be. I couldn’t ask for a better dad, you’re such a role model to me... No matter what, my dad will always be my hero. Nothing in my life has been as difficult as this. Thanks for all the love and support y’all have given to us but specially to my dad in this big step in his life. May God always bless you [sic].”

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