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Demonstrat­ors in Rome, Paris and Berlin say yes to migrants



Thousands of people took to the streets in several European cities on Saturday, in a show of solidarity with migrants seeking refuge in Europe and against austerity measures in debt-ridden Greece.

In Berlin, some 3,700 turned out according to local police, while organisers said 10,000 participat­ed in a protest held on World Refugee Day, that had been called by German opposition parties Die Linke (The Left) and Gruenen (The Greens).

In the German capital, protesters chanted: “No frontiers, no nations, stop deportatio­n!” and “Say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here!”

Marching from the bohemian Kreuzberg district to Brandenbur­g gate, some of the protesters held up Greek flags and posters bearings slogans supporting Athens, as a critical June 30 deadline in debt talks looms.

Should Greece fail to reach a deal with its internatio­nal creditors to secure the last tranche of funds from its massive bailout, it risks defaulting and possibly crashing out of the Eurozone.

This “technocrat­ic, cold and neoliberal Europe that is led by Germany is unbearable”, read one poster held up by a demonstrat­or.

Economic powerhouse Germany is seen by anti-austerity activists as taking uncompromi­sing stances in the debt crises that have hit several European countries.

In Paris, police said 3,500 protesters including undocument­ed migrants rallied behind a banner that read: “Greece, France, Europe: austerity kills, democracy is dying, let’s resist!” Elsewhere in France, hundreds gathered in the southern city of Marseille and in Calais, the northern port city used as a springboar­d by migrants seeking to reach Britain.

In the southeast, activists gathered in Menton near the Italian border, in solidarity with hundreds of migrants stuck in Italy after France refused to allow them in.

Rome protests

In Rome too, scores of protesters braved the rain and gathered under the slogan “Stop the massacre now” to express solidarity with migrants risking their lives to sail across the Mediterran­ean Europe on rickety, overcrowde­d boats.

However in the Slovakian capital Bratislava, at least 140 people were arrested after several thousands protested against immigratio­n and EU quotas on migrant numbers at a rally organised by a group called Stop the Islamisati­on of Europe.

Later in the train station, unidentifi­ed attackers later threw bottles and stones at an Arab family.

 ?? Reuters ?? Europe in support of migrants Migrants and supporters gather behind a banner with the African continent and flags as some 200 people take part in a protest demonstrat­ion on World Refugee Day in Ventimigli­a, Italy.
Reuters Europe in support of migrants Migrants and supporters gather behind a banner with the African continent and flags as some 200 people take part in a protest demonstrat­ion on World Refugee Day in Ventimigli­a, Italy.
 ?? AP ?? High drama in the air Corporal French aided by Corporal Shorthouse after his parachute failed to open properly at an airshow.
AP High drama in the air Corporal French aided by Corporal Shorthouse after his parachute failed to open properly at an airshow.

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