Gulf News

Taylor: artists deserve more

Multiple Grammy winner says it’s becoming easier to make an album but harder to get noticed


I feel like I get a start on a song, but then I follow it wherever it goes, and sometimes it surprises me where it ends up. this kind of service, that they can put themselves in harm’s way ... it’s so extreme a thing to have to do and it’s such a sacrifice that I knew I wanted to try and write this song. It’s my speculatio­n about what it means to prepare yourself mentally to go to war.

Your tour with Carole King in 2010 was so successful, would you do it again?

I think it’s certainly possible that we could do it again, but Carole, at the end of it ... we were looking at the possibilit­y of going to Europe and I actually booked the tour, but Carole said, ‘The nature of these things is when they’re successful people want them to go on forever, but it’s important to quit while you’re ahead.’

What was it like working with your wife, Caroline Smedvig, and son on this album?

Her voice has a great, pure quality to it, so I often, if she’s around when I’m touring, she’ll sing a few songs. As for Henry, he was hanging around all the time at the barn and on one occasion I said, ‘I’ve got this part that I think I hear a kid singing. You want to give it a try?’ And I just thought he’d sketch it in and I’d find the right kid somewhere, but it just turned out great.

Do your teenage boys introduce you to new music?

They do. They are in the popular culture and listening to what’s coming through their age group that they hear in school, they hear from their friends. It’s funny, some of it comes from unusual places like soundtrack­s to video games. Some amazing stuff is being made there.

Did you know Taylor Swift’s parents named her after you?

She told me that and I was equally flattered. I really, I love Taylor and I admire her, and I also deeply admire her mom and dad. That was very flattering. You bet. You could have knocked me over with a feather when she told me that. I was really surprised.

What are your thoughts on the music industry today?

It’s easier to make an album, harder to figure out how to get people to notice it. Recording on pro-tools on computers, that’s made it a lot more accessible so people are making a lot of music and higher and higher quality. I can’t say the same thing for how people are listening to music. People are hearing music through terrible speakers, little computer speakers, there’s a lot to get back to in terms of hi-fi and people listening to better quality, technicall­y better quality music.


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