Gulf News

It is important that we show support for those who keep us safe


The brutal slaughter of innocent British tourists on their sunlounger­s in Tunisia is a tragic reminder of the threat we face from Islamist extremists and those inspired by Daesh.

The militant attacks in Tunisia, France and Kuwait show yet again why Britain must, and will, remain resolute in its determinat­ion to take on and defeat Islamist extremism, wherever it rears its head.

Innocent British tourists, and those of many other nationalit­ies, have been attacked while enjoying their family holidays by people whose interpreta­tion of Islam could not be further from the spirit of what is a peaceful religion. We must not flinch from using our extensive resources to tackle this scourge.

Whether it be striking at Daesh in Iraq, intelligen­ce gathering over Syria, training and equipping the Iraqi Security Forces or using our diplomacy to encourage the formation of a new government in Libya, Britain is taking a leading role in tackling the global challenges we face. Our security and intelligen­ce agencies work tirelessly, day in, day out, to identify, track and monitor those who wish to harm us at home and abroad.

Our extremism strategy, tackling radicalise­rs and apologists for terrorism, is another vital tool to confront the threats we face. Our aid programme offers hope to millions who might otherwise be attracted to radicalism.

Ultimate guarantee

And our armed forces provide the ultimate guarantee of our security. Britain’s armed forces are on duty and on operations around the clock and around the world. Today, 4,000 of our troops are deployed on 21 different joint operations in 19 countries — double the number five years ago. And as a leading global power, with the fifth largest defence budget in the world, the biggest in Europe and with unique capabiliti­es that are the envy of many, we are rightly proud of the way in which we care for our troops and our veterans.

The seventh annual Armed Forces Day on Saturday was an opportunit­y for the British people to demonstrat­e their support and admiration for the men and women who do so much to provide our security. The lengthy operations in Iraq and Afghanista­n are over and the daily reports of heroic actions on the front line, the tragic details of those killed in action or those returning home with life-changing injuries may be behind us.

But for those who still bear the physical and mental scars of battle their personal campaigns remain as real as ever. That is why it is so important that we come together as a nation to continue to show our respect and support for our armed forces, long after the combat missions have drawn to a close and our troops have returned home.

And it is why the Government must continue to uphold its commitment­s to our servicemen and women under the Armed Forces Covenant. It is a timely reminder that our armed forces and their families deserve not just our gratitude, but our practical support and assistance.

As we have shown our admiration for our armed forces, we should commit to redouble our efforts and look at what more we can do to support them.

We should all strive harder to do more for our unique servicemen and women, helping them, so that they can go on keeping Britain safe.

The militant attacks in Tunisia, France and Kuwait show yet again why Britain must, and will, remain resolute in its determinat­ion to take on and defeat Islamist extremism.”

Philip Hammond is Britain’s Foreign Secretary

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