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Moldova capital’s new mayor calls for pro-EU government

Local elections were seen as a test of whether country moves closer to the EU or to Russia


The new, pro-European Union mayor of Moldova’s capital called yesterday for the former Soviet republic to renew efforts to form a proEuropea­n government.

Dorin Chirtoaca, who is also deputy chairman of the Liberal Party, told Radio Chisinau that Moldova should have a new government in place by the end of August to avoid an early election.

Parliament has until September 12 to approve a new government after former Prime Minister Chiril Gaburici resigned June 12 amid a probe into the authentici­ty of his high school and university degrees.

“Today a new pro-European offensive starts from Chisinau and in all of Moldova,” the 38-year-old Chirtoaca said. “The pro-European path should go all the way.”

Sunday’s local elections were seen as a test of whether Moldova moves closer to the EU or to Russia.

Major boost

Chirtoaca’s victory was a boost for Moldova’s pro-European parties, who hold have 55 of the 101 seats in parliament yet struggle to remain united. ProEuropea­n parties won 17 counties on Sunday while parties that want more cooperatio­n with Moscow took 11 counties.

Final results gave Chirtoaca 53.5 per cent of the vote to 46.5 per cent for his pro-Russian challenger, Zinaida Greceanai, a former prime minister.

Moldova last year signed an associatio­n agreement with the 28-nation EU, angering Russia.

Chirtoaca, who won another four-year mandate, has been mayor of this city of 1 million since 2007.

However, leader of the Socialists’ Party, Igor Dodon, claimed the ballot was flawed by irregulari­ties. He said the pro-Europeans were “celebratin­g too soon”.

Runoffs were being held in 458 towns across the country.

 ?? AP ?? Celebratio­n time Dorin Chirtoaca, the pro-European candidate for mayor of the Moldovan capital, celebrates after seeing exit polls in a runoff for local elections in Chisinau early yesterday.
AP Celebratio­n time Dorin Chirtoaca, the pro-European candidate for mayor of the Moldovan capital, celebrates after seeing exit polls in a runoff for local elections in Chisinau early yesterday.

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