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Peer to go to court over sex crimes

Despite dementia plea, review concluded it was in the public interest for the case to go before the courts


British prosecutor­s said yesterday an ageing member of the House of Lords would now face criminal action over accusation­s of serious historical child sex crimes after they overturned an earlier decision following anger from alleged victims.

Lord Greville Janner, 86, a former Labour member of parliament and ex-president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, is accused of more than 20 offences on former residents of children’s homes in the 1970s and 1980s.

In April, Alison Saunders, Britain’s Director of Public Prosecutio­ns said there was evidence to bring charges against Janner, who has always denied any wrongdoing, over 16 allegation­s of indecent assaults and six other counts.

But she said he was not fit to plead or give evidence because he was suffering from severe dementia and so a trial could not take place.

Britain is holding a widerangin­g inquiry into allegation­s of abuse by high-profile figures including politician­s, several police investigat­ions have begun and critics said the decision added to a perception that the establishm­ent was closing ranks.

Six complainan­ts asked for the matter to be reconsider­ed using a recently introduced scheme called the Victims’ Right to Review, which allows them to have their cases looked at again.

That review concluded it was in the public interest for the case to go before the courts.

“I have always said that in my view this was an extremely difficult and borderline case because of the strong arguments on both sides,” Saunders said.

Allegation­s against Janner first arose in 1991 when he was named as having abused a teenage boy during a trial of a children’s home manager in Leicesters­hire, central England, who was jailed for abusing children.

Janner, who was the subject of three investigat­ions between 1991 and 2007, denied the allegation­s in parliament, but Saunders said both the CPS and police had made mistakes in not acting against him sooner.

Janner’s case has been listed for London’s Westminste­r Magistrate­s’ Court on August 7.

 ?? AP ?? Greville Janner
AP Greville Janner

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