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Juncker calls on Greeks to vote ‘yes’ in referendum


EU chief executive JeanClaude Juncker urged Greeks yesterday to back a cash-for-reform package rejected by their government, saying a ‘no’ vote in Sunday’s referendum would mean Greece was turning its back on the European Union.

Following a breakdown of talks between Athens and its creditors, Juncker delivered a withering criticism of the Greek government which called the referendum and which advised Greeks to vote against creditor proposals.

“The whole planet would consider a Greek ‘no’ to the question posed... as meaning that Greece wants to distance itself from the Eurozone and from Europe.” he told a news conference. “I will say to the Greeks who I love deeply: you mustn’t commit suicide because you are afraid of death... You must vote yes, independen­tly of the question asked.”

Juncker said he still believed a Greek exit from the Eurozone was not an option, but cautioned that he alone could not necessaril­y protect Athens from other leaders who may disagree.

At a rare emergency news conference at the Brussels headquarte­rs of his European Commission, Juncker ran through what he said was a fair offer made to Greece. “Our sole concern has been to make a fair and balanced deal. This is certainly a demanding and comprehens­ive package, but it is a fair one... This is not a stupid austerity package,” he said.

 ?? AP ?? Free transport A trolley-bus in Athens yesterday. The government is making public transport in Athens free while the banks are closed.
AP Free transport A trolley-bus in Athens yesterday. The government is making public transport in Athens free while the banks are closed.

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