Gulf News

Two French soldiers suspended over child sex claims

Cases follow an alleged sex abuse involving French troops in Central African Republic

- — AFP

France said yesterday it wanted to “quickly” bring home two soldiers suspended over allegation­s they sexually abused children, including a five-year-old girl, in the west African country of Burkina Faso.

“We have contacted the Burkina judicial authoritie­s so that the repatriati­on is done quickly and justice can act,” said government spokesman Stephane Le Foll.

The allegation­s, and

Paris’s swift response, follow another alleged sex abuse scandal involving French troops in Central African Republic (CAR) that only came to light after it was leaked to the British press.

Images of abuse

One of the alleged victims in Burkina Faso was a five-yearold girl whose father found a camera containing images of his daughter being sexually abused.

“There was a soldier who filmed the scene with a camera while the second touched (the girl),” a senior police officer in Burkina Faso said, adding that the parents were friends with the alleged perpetrato­rs.

After discoverin­g the camera at the scene, the father went to the French embassy in Ouagadougo­u, which in turn alerted the police, who have opened an inquiry, the source said.

Paris prosecutor­s opened their own investigat­ion on Tuesday, while the defence ministry said the military was also looking into the allegation­s.

“French forces are engaged in a fight against terrorism [in Burkina Faso], they are there to protect the population,” said Le Foll. “The image of the army is at stake, the image of France.”

French military police, responsibl­e for investigat­ions into soldiers deployed on overseas operations, were due to arrive yesterday from Niger to investigat­e alongside their Burkina Faso counterpar­ts, a judicial source said.

There are about 220 French soldiers stationed in Burkina Faso as part of an antiterror­ism operation covering five regional countries spanning from Mali to Chad.

There are about 900 French soldiers in CAR, down from an earlier deployment of 2,000.

CAR investigat­ion

A group of children in CAR alleged troops sexually abused minors at a centre for displaced people in the capital Bangui between December 2013 and June 2014, and 14 French soldiers are under investigat­ion.

Some of the abuse reportedly took place after children in the conflict-wracked country begged the peacekeepe­rs for food.

The French government’s decision to go public about the allegation­s in Burkina Faso, and almost immediate suspension of the two soldiers implicated in the case, contrasts with the secrecy that shrouded the scandal in CAR, which was only revealed to the public by British newspaper The Guardian.

“This is an army that confronts [such accusation­s] head on,” said the army’s chief of staff, General Jean-Pierre Bosser.

“Either these cases are true, which would be extremely serious,” he said. “Or, they are not proven, which is just as serious (because) ... all our soldiers will be perceived as child rapists.”

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