Gulf News

Lone-wolf terrorists no holy warriors

By linking deranged antisocial­s and overwhelmi­ngly moderate communitie­s, politician­s play with media myths

- By Nabila Ramdani

With a grotesque matter-of-factness, suspected “Islamic terrorist” Yassine Salhi blamed “problems at home and at work” for beheading his boss last Friday. Salhi used a knife in the attack at Saint-Quentin-Fallavier in eastern France, before driving his delivery van into chemical canisters in an unsuccessf­ul bid to blow up a factory.

Saif Al Deen Rezgui, who gunned down at least 38 people on a tourist beach in Tunisia on the same day, managed to get hold of an automatic weapon, but his profile was similar to Salhi’s. Neither man had a criminal record and each was described by friends and neighbours as “normal”. There is no evidence of either travelling abroad to train for combat and both had provoked little interest from the security services. They were thought to be “self-radicalise­d”, rather than members of a wider cell. Unlike Rezgui, Salhi survived and is said to be offering “personal reasons” as mitigation for his sadistic criminalit­y. He has played down his links with global jihad, according to sources close to the case, instead suggesting that he simply did not like his victim.

Yet, crucially, he has told interrogat­ors that he was interested in provoking a “media coup”: Making a name for himself in front of an audience of millions. Nowadays anyone can claim a link with Daesh (the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) or Al Qaida and their dark crimes. All it takes are a few shouted slogans. So, in a few minutes of pure evil, vengeful inadequate­s harbouring grudges go from being complete unknowns to internatio­nally infamous killers.

Commentato­rs invariably place them at the centre of a fantastica­l global mission, using thoroughly misplaced terms such as”holy warrior” and “religious struggle”. In fact, the men’s affiliatio­n to Islam seems based mostly on a twisted attempt to justify their barbarity. By vaguely attaching themselves to a greater “cause” they feel their nihilism somehow has a purpose: That there is a reason for their cowardly championin­g of death and destructio­n. In this sense men like Rezgui and Salhi are “micro-terrorists” — wretched freelancer­s, so-called lone wolves, just like the killers who hacked British soldier Lee Rigby to death on a London street two years ago.

Unparallel­ed exposure

The vast growth in social media platforms over the past decade, combined with 24-hour rolling news, has provided the microterro­rists with unparallel­ed exposure. This is intensifie­d by commentato­rs and politician­s, who associate the killers not only with “global brand” terrorist movements but also with Islam itself. So it was that British Prime Minister David Cameron disgracefu­lly claimed that a significan­t number of Muslims in the UK “quietly condoned” Daesh — conjuring up the image of thousands of otherwise peaceful citizens gently nodding in agreement as they contemplat­ed the next decapitati­on, burning or drowning.

In reality, making out that the lone wolves are anything other than sociopaths is like suggesting that the gunmen who regularly mass-murder their fellow citizens in the United States are also representa­tive of the communitie­s they come from. When Dylann Roof, a white 21-year-old, slaughtere­d nine AfricanAme­ricans in a church Bible study class last month, his obsession with supremacis­t groups around the world, including disbanded historical ones, was rightly viewed as an indication of his low intelligen­ce and huge inferiorit­y complex.

If US President Barack Obama had played on Roof’s hatred and announced that many within mainstream American society “quietly condoned” his racism, there would have been an outcry. By making a connection between deranged, antisocial individual­s and overwhelmi­ngly moderate communitie­s, politician­s play along with the warped media myths that are the lifeblood of micro-terrorists. Just as news websites that post regular images of Daesh beheadings and other executions provide the group with some of its best propaganda, so sensationa­list portrayals of the lone wolves will ensure that many more will emerge to take the places of those killed or imprisoned.

Nabila Ramdani is a Paris-born freelance journalist and academic of Algerian descent.

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