Gulf News

Expat denied residency due to old TB scars


- By Suchitra Bajpai Chaudhary Senior Reporter


An expatriate who was denied a residence visa because her medical test indicated old tuberculos­is (TB) scars has claimed that she has never suffered from the disease.

Elnura Tabaklova, 27, who hails from Kyrgyzstan, worked in the UAE’s food and beverage and fashion industry from 2011 to 2013. She then returned home. This year, Tabaklova returned to the UAE after accepting a job offer.

A panel that examined Tabaklova’s medical test report has confirmed that the scars on her lungs are from TB.

UAE ministeria­l decree No 28 of 2010 and Federal Law No 7 of 2008 state that all newcomers found to have active or old pulmonary TB in a chest X-ray will be denied a fitness certificat­e since they are considered ‘unfit’ for residency.

Tabaklova told Gulf News that she came to the UAE in 2011 and began working in the food and beverage section of a leading group. “My medical test never showed any scars then,” she claimed.

Tabaklova then changed jobs and joined a fashion group in a free zone. The medical test for the visa change was still clear.

In 2013, she decided to join a company in Qatar and exited the UAE. “I had a medical examinatio­n for the Qatar job in Kyrgyzstan, which was clear,” Tabaklova said.

However, she later decided not to take up the Qatar job as she found the salary package unattracti­ve.

‘Surprised by outcome’

In 2015, Tabaklova re-entered the UAE and went for a medical test at the Muhaisnah Health Centre. It was there that she was told that she would have to leave the country on account of old TB scars.

“My parents are doctors and I am very well aware of TB. No one in my family has ever had TB and I am surprised by this outcome,” Tabaklova said.

Second opinion

Tabaklova went to the Iranian Hospital for a second medical test. The report given to Tabaklova by Dr Laili Chamani Tabrez, specialist at the hospital’s infectious diseases department, read: “No cough, no sputum, no fever, only positive in the gold quantifero­n test [diagnostic tools to diagnose latent TB infection]. The findings are suggestive that there is no active TB.”

Dr Tabrez recommende­d a sixweek course of medication. However, when contacted, she declined to comment on the issue.

Gulf News discussed Tabaklova’s case with a senior physician in the private sector, who pointed out that sometimes old TB scars pose a re-infection risk and the authoritie­s prefer not to take a chance.

“There is a 10 per cent chance of an infection returning and the authoritie­s have to ensure that the individual does not infect others. But sometimes other pulmonary infections can mimic TB scars. The bacillus that causes pleuritis or pneumonia has been seen to rapidly mutate and cause clinical confusion about the patient having TB. So, if the blood and sputum report is negative, an antibiotic course of eight weeks can clear the shadow in the lungs,” he said.

DHA view

Commenting on Tabaklova’s case, a spokespers­on at the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) told Gulf News: “After examinatio­n, a medical committee confirmed it is a case of old TB. The unfit medical certificat­e was issued in line with the UAE ministeria­l decree 28/2010 and the UAE Federal law 7/2008 which states that new visas with old TB or active TB are to be considered unfit by law.”

Tabaklova, who has started on the medication prescribed by Dr Tabrez, is distressed that she will have to leave the country if the government health centre does not give her a clean chit when she hopes to take another medical test in two weeks.

Breaking down, she said: “I can say a million times that I have never had TB, but these people will not believe me.”

Financial problems

She attributes the current situation to treatment she sought after a car accident a few weeks prior to the medical test.

“After the accident I had a constant headache. Someone advised me to go for Al Hijama [traditiona­l method of treatment through cupping]. My headache disappeare­d, but I think that the treatment had some contaminat­ion which left me with some infection.”

“I am at my wit’s end. I really need this job. My mother has cancer and I have a bank loan that I still have to repay,” Tabaklova said.

She claims that she started working for the new company, but is yet to get her first salary. “I have no money to pay even taxi fare to the health clinic. I would like to request the authoritie­s to give me time to do a third medical examinatio­n so that I can prove that I have no TB. I need this money and this job.”

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