Gulf News

How do you uncover the great fit?

- — Phillip Alder

Bob Parsons, an entreprene­ur and philanthro­pist, said ,“If you want to uncover problems you don’ t know about, take a few moments and look closely at the areas you haven’ t examined for a while. I guarantee you problems will be there .” In bridge bidding, one problem is uncovering our partnershi­p’ s holdings so that we can judge the right final contract. In today’ s deal, what do you think of this auction? How would you and your partner have bid? In the given auction, North should have responded one spa de, not one no-trump. But South very badly under bid her hand. With nine probable winners, she should have opened two clubs. After the deal, when North suggested that, South said ,“But I had only 19 points .” That isn’ t the key point; she had nine winners plus defensive tricks outside the long suit. If South opened two clubs, North would respond two diamonds, South would bid two hearts, and North would re bid three diamonds, promising some 5-7 points (because he did not make a double negative) and at least five diamonds. The auction could then continue three hearts (there is no hurry to raise diamonds)-four hearts-( Roman Key Card) Black wood -reply-six hearts. Suppose, against six hearts, West leads a club, and East wins the trick and returns the suit. What happens after that? Declarer ruffs, draws trumps, and cash es her two top diamonds. When East discards a club, there is suddenly a problem. South needs West to hold the spa de king. Declarer should cash the spa de ace and run her hearts. The last one will squeeze West in spades and diamonds.

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