Gulf News

VULNERABLE GROUPS Legal limbo awaits millions of future ‘climate refugees’


Farmer Ajmad Miyah has given up on ever settling down again. Three years after the sea swallowed his home on the Bangladesh­i coast, he still has no property or possession­s, and survives by tilling other people’s fields in exchange for food.

“I’ve accepted that this is reality,” the lean, 36-year-old Miyah said in the island district of Bhola, where the Meghna River spills into the Bay of Bengal. “My house will always be temporary now, like me on this Earth.”

At least 19.3 million people worldwide were driven from their homes by natural disasters last year — 90 per cent of which were related to weather events, according to the Genevabase­d Internal Displaceme­nt Monitoring Centre.

Most have stayed within their own countries, including millions displaced in the South Asian delta nation of Bangladesh. But as their numbers rise, more will feel compelled to cross internatio­nal borders in search of safe haven. They could end up in a state of a legal limbo with no rights or guaranteed help.

A study in November suggested 470 million to 760 million people worldwide could lose their land to rising seas in this century if global warming is allowed to continue unchecked.

The study, by the non-profit research and news organisati­on Climate Central, looked at global population data and sea rise projection­s. Some countries like Bangladesh and the Philippine­s stand to lose large portions of land” some small island nations like the Marshall Islands or the Maldives could effectivel­y disappear.

The US Department of Defence has called climate change “an urgent and growing threat to our national security, contributi­ng to increased natural disasters, refugee flows, and conflicts over basic resources such as food and water,” according to a report this year.

Yet climate change does not make one a refugee, a designatio­n for people forced to leave their home countries because of war, persecutio­n or other violence. Someone seeking refuge from environmen­tal disaster cannot apply for refugee status, lacks protection under the UN High Convention for Refugees and can be sent back to their countries of origin without question at any time.

The issue may remain unresolved through the two-week summit in Paris, aimed at hammering out a new treaty to limit global warming and deal with its effects. The US is among the countries that oppose addressing migration issues in the treaty.

“This is actually becoming a fast-developing disaster,” said Harjeet Singh, the internatio­nal policy manager for the advocacy group Action Aid Internatio­nal. “The world is still not talking enough about the climate migration that is going to happen.”

Neighbours already left

Carbon Zedkaia doubts his 11-year-old daughter will be able to remain in their home in the Marshall Islands, a cluster of coral atolls near the equator in the Pacific that was flooded this year by an extreme high tide.

“I don’t know if she has a future here,” he said. “If we humans do something about it, about climate change, then yes, she might have a future here. If not, then she might have to move somewhere else.”

Some of his neighbours have already left for Arkansas, taking advantage of a threedecad­e-old agreement allowing Marshalles­e to live, work and seek education in the landlocked US state. Most vulnerable countries, however, have no such safety net.

New Zealand deported a man back to the tiny South Pacific island nation of Kiribati earlier this year after its Supreme Court dismissed his appeal — the world’s first — for asylum as a climate refugee. Some in vulnerable countries fear they could face the same hostile reception that Syrian war refugees have received from some countries.

“What’s happening now in Europe with all these refugees will be a small thing compared to what will happen when climate change takes effect,” Marshall Islands President Christophe­r Loeak told journalist­s in his nation’s capital of Majuro.

Yet, many of them believe rich nations should shoulder most of the responsibi­lity.

“The UN protocol on refugees has to be revised, and responsibi­lity for climate change migrants has to be taken by the developed countries, who are responsibl­e for climate emissions,” said Rezaul Karim Chowdhury, head of a Bangladesh­i organisati­on that aims to help people affected by climate change called COAST. “This is a matter of these countries’ survival.”

Bangladesh is considered one of the world’s most vulnerable countries to climate change. Scientists have projected seas will rise an average of around 1 metre this century. But just a 65-centimetre rise would swallow some 40 per cent of the country’s productive land, according to World Bank experts helping the country devise ways to cope with this change.

Yet, Bangladesh has no specific plan for dealing with its own people displaced by climate-related disasters, other than offering them temporary shelter. Many have fled to Dhaka’s overcrowde­d slums, living precarious­ly on menial work. Others live marginal lives at the water’s edge, unsure of where they can go.

Losing land disastrous

They get no benefit from funds intended to help people cope with global warming, which usually can’t be blamed for any particular weather-related disaster, though it is expected to make weather patterns overall more unpredicta­ble, rainfall more erratic, storms and droughts more severe.

On Bangladesh’s island of Kutubdia, beyond where the Meghna River empties into the sea, water is already breaking down mud dykes and pouring into villages. Shopkeeper Mohammad Farid Uddin can only point to the watery place where his home once stood. “If it continues to rise, there is no certainty where we’ll have to move next,” he said.

His neighbour, 67-year-old Bebula Begum, spends hours every day hauling water from a faraway groundwate­r pump. “Sometimes I am not able to fetch drinking water and have to use saline water,” Begum said. “It’s seawater all around us.”

For an already jam-packed country like Bangladesh — with one of the world’s highest population densities with nearly 1,000 people per square kilometre — losing so much land is disastrous.

As the country becomes more crowded, incentive will grow for displaced Bangladesh­is to cross the border into India. Yet New Delhi also has no plans for dealing with its own citizens displaced by climate change, let alone people from other countries.

“Something has to be done now. We are already seeing people moving,” said Mariam Traore Chazalnoel, a climate change and migration expert with the Geneva-based Internatio­nal Organisati­on for Migration. Industrial­ised countries “are beginning to understand that there is a stake for them, too.”

In October, poor and developing nations known as the Group of 77 & China submitted a proposal for the Paris talks to deliver a plan for climate migrants — an effort started in 1991 when the island nation of Vanuatu suggested a global insurance scheme to compensate climate-induced losses.

Many industrial­ised countries, however, are wary of talk about migration or having to compensate those affected by climate change. The US is leading other industrial­ised nations including Japan, Australia and Switzerlan­d in opposing the inclusion of measures on migration in the hoped-for Paris treaty.

“I think what the developed countries are scared of is that millions of people are going to come and knock on their door because of climate disasters,” Chazalnoel said. “But there are ways to ensure that this does not happen” — mainly by making sure countries can adapt to weather and environmen­t changes so that “people won’t actually have to move.”

Other challenges in addressing the issue include determinin­g who would qualify as a so-called climate refugee, and what rights they might have in other countries.

“If migration is not mentioned in the Paris treaty, it’s a step back but not necessaril­y the end of the world,” said legal expert Cosmin Corendea with the United Nations University in Bonn, Germany. “This is a continuing discussion, and it will not die.”

The European Union remains undecided on whether to include a provision on migration in the Paris treaty.

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