Gulf News

The accidental hero of the Paris supermarke­t atrocity

Bathily was a poor Muslim migrant from Mali, but when gunmen attacked a Jewish supermarke­t, he just acted to save people


Lassana Bathily was an undocument­ed migrant from Mali until he became an unlikely hero by saving shoppers’ lives during the jihadist attack on a Jewish supermarke­t in Paris a year ago.

The 25-year-old became the one positive story to emerge from the three days of violence in January, when terrorists attacked the Charlie Hebdo satirical weekly, police and the Jewish Hyper Cacher supermarke­t in the east of the capital killing a total of 17 people.

“Ah, here is my favourite Frenchman,” cried President Francois Hollande when he received Bathily at the Elysee Palace a fortnight after the carnage.

Bathily, a shelf-stacker in the supermarke­t, helped save shoppers from gunman Amedy Coulibaly on that fateful day, January 9, 2015.

The narrative of a Muslim saving Jews from a terrorist made him a positive symbol of France’s diversity.

But as he writes in his book I’m Not a Hero to be published today, heroism has been an uncomforta­ble mantle for Bathily.

“The next morning, I turned on Facebook and 800 people had asked to be my friend,” he said.


“In the days that followed I said ‘No, I’m not a hero’. I did something that had to be done.”

Bathily was just a few minutes from the end of his shift at the supermarke­t, unpacking frozen items in the basement, when he heard a flurry of gunfire upstairs and saw around a dozen people fleeing down the stairs.

Coulibaly, who claimed he was working in the name of the Daesh, had taken several shoppers hostage upstairs and ordered a cashier to go around up the others.

Some of those who were huddled downstairs obeyed, but others refused to go and Bathily urged them to use the goods elevator to escape.

When no one wanted to take the risk, he ushered them into the refrigerat­ed room, flicking off the light and the motor, and then made his own escape via the elevator and a fire escape.

“My heart was beating so hard that I was scared I’d be heard,” he said.

Once outside, he helped police sketch out the layout of the shop and prepare their raid. A few hours later, they stormed in and shot Coulibaly dead.

Some say Bathily’s role was exaggerate­d by media hungry for a good news angle.

“The media and officials wanted to paint this pretty picture, that he helped us escape downstairs, that he hid us, and so on. Which wasn’t really true, but that’s not Lassana’s fault — at that moment, we needed a hero,” one of the former hostages later told the Liberation newspaper.

Bathily is not bothered by the backlash.

“If they now say that I didn’t do anything for them, that’s their problem. I won’t play their game,” he said.


Several days after the violence, Bathily was granted French citizenshi­p by the president himself, something he says had been a dream since his childhood in a small village on the Mali-Senegal border.

But Bathily was passed over for a Legion d’Honneur, France’s highest award, according to nomination­s published Friday.

He returned to a hero’s welcome in Mali, where he was offered free rooms in top hotels and was received by President Ebrahim Boubacar Keita.

Bathily has set up an aid group to provide basic facilities in his village, which he left aged 16 to seek work in Paris.

But he has also had trauma to overcome.

He lost close friend and colleague Yohan Cohen — one of the four killed by Coulibaly that day — and just a few days later, he heard that his younger brother Boubakar had died from a long-standing illness.

Moreover, deadly reminders of the terrorist threat seem to have dogged his life.

Bathily was just 300 metres away from the Bataclan venue in Paris when it was attacked on November 13, and a hotel in Mali was attacked by terrorists.

“I ran like everyone else. But I was stuck in the neighbourh­ood. I didn’t get home until 5am,” he said.

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 ?? AFP ?? Brave man Lassana Bathily helped save shoppers who were caught up in an attack on the store where he worked.
AFP Brave man Lassana Bathily helped save shoppers who were caught up in an attack on the store where he worked.
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