Gulf News

Daesh targets Libyan oil port for second day


- Al Sidra Ras Lanuf

Daesh militants launched attacks near key oil facilities in northern Libya on Monday but were repulsed, an army official said. The extremists first carried out a suicide car bomb attack on a military checkpoint at the entrance to the town of Al Sidra, killing two soldiers, said a colonel in the army loyal to the internatio­nally recognised government.

“We were attacked by a convoy of a dozen vehicles belonging to Daesh,” Bashir Boudhfira said. “They then launched an attack on the town of Ras Lanouf via the south but did not manage to enter.”

Daesh has for several weeks been trying to push east from the coastal city of Sirte under its control to reach Libya’s “oil crescent” and the key oil terminals of Al Sidra and Ras Lanouf.

A Libyan oil official told AFP that a 420,000-barrel oil storage tank in Ras Lanouf caught fire during the clashes.

Daesh on Twitter announced that its fighters had led an “attack on the Al Sidra area followed by violent clashes with the enemies of God”.

The terrorists have taken advantage


Oil refinery

Oil refinery


of chaos in Libya since the 2011 revolt that ousted and killed longtime dictator Muammar Gaddafi to extend their influence there.

Monday’s attack is the first of its kind since Daesh seized Gaddafi’s hometown of Sirte in June 2015.

The group said the attack came after it took control of Ben Jawad town, 150km east of Sirte.

It came as an air force colonel from the city of Misrata east of Tripoli said air strikes were carried out “from morning to nightfall” on extremist positions.

The officer, who declined to be named, said the strikes focused on targets between Al Sidra and Ben Jawad.

His comments came amid reports that Daesh fighters were advancing west of Sirte.

Fighter jet crashes

Meanwhile, Libya’s national news agency LANA, quoting a military spokesman, reported that a MiG 23 warplane crashed in the region of Abu Hadi, southwest of second city Benghazi, because of a “technical failure in the hydraulic system”.

An intelligen­ce monitoring roup reported an Daesh claim that it shot down the plane.

Oil is Libya’s main natural resource, with a pre-revolt output capacity of about 1.6 million barrels per day, accounting for more than 95 per cent of exports and 75 per cent of the budget. But unrest has forced a major slump in production.

The country sits on reserves estimated at 48 billion barrels, the largest in Africa.

Libya has had rival administra­tions since August 2014, when an Islamist-backed militia alliance overran Tripoli, forcing the government to take refuge in the east.

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