Gulf News

25 Iraq fighters killed in clashes with Daesh

Commander describes offensive as one of the biggest yet as terrorists attacked from three directions


At least 25 Iraqi fighters have been killed repelling a major three-day offensive by Daesh in the western region of Haditha, security sources said Tuesday.

“We have given 25 martyrs in 72 hours,” a tribal commander, Shaikh Abdullah Atallah, told AFP by phone from Haditha, an area that includes a key dam and has held off Daesh since 2014.

“It was one of the biggest offensives we have seen. It came from three directions,” he said, adding that dozens were also wounded.

The mayor of Haditha, located in Anbar province about 200 kilometres northwest of Baghdad, confirmed the casualty toll.

“We have more than 20 martyrs and more than 50 wounded. They are from the army, CTS (the counter-terrorism service), the police and the tribal fighters,” Mabrouk Hamid said.

“Haditha was targeted Sunday by a massive offensive involving more than 40 vehicles, all armoured and some explosives-laden,” Hamid said. “They were destroyed by coalition and Iraqi air strikes,” he said.

Both the mayor and tribal commander said Daesh had lost very large numbers of fighters in their failed assault.

The US-led coalition confirmed it provided support to the Iraqi forces defending Haditha, a strategic area where Sunni tribal fighters opposed to Daesh have resisted several previous waves of attacks.

“There have been several Daesh attacks near Haditha. None of these attacks have been successful” thanks to stronger aerial support, USled coalition spokesman Colonel Steve Warren wrote on social media.

Daesh appeared to make an offensive on Haditha — one of their most coveted prizes.

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