Gulf News

Criminals will rejoice if UK leaves EU

Cross-border collaborat­ion is essential to tackle evils and that is possible only by staying within the bloc

- By Keir Starmer

In the United Kingdom we have always had internatio­nal ambitions and internatio­nal responsibi­lities. These obviously predate the European Union; we have been trading and doing business in Europe for centuries. But for more than 40 years, our membership of the EU has significan­tly helped us realise our ambitions and discharge our responsibi­lities. It has also made us safer.

That the EU is now our biggest trading partner and that EU membership makes us attractive for inward investment is well known. The EU accounts for 44 per cent of UK exports of goods and services and 53 per cent of UK imports. More than 80 per cent of UK firms that trade do business with Europe. Less well known are the arrangemen­ts used on a daily basis by our citizens and businesses to form and maintain the different relationsh­ips that trading in Europe throws up — business to business relationsh­ips, business to consumer relationsh­ips and family relationsh­ips — and to resolve difference­s when they arise.

In the past, our citizens and businesses had to rely on often slow and creaking intergover­nmental cooperatio­n, including bilateral and multinatio­nal convention­s; now, they can take advantage of EU civil judicial cooperatio­n measures that are far more effective. Almost everyone with any experience in resolving cross-border civil disputes agrees that a return to the old way of working would very obviously be a retrograde step.

But it is not just business relationsh­ips that have become more internatio­nal. Those in Britain who engage in serious and organised crime do not confine their activities within our borders. They increasing­ly operate across Europe, using well-trodden routes and criminal gangs.

The tragic events in Paris last November, along with confirmati­on that seven terror plots had been foiled in the UK in recent months, underline just how important it is that Britain maintains and enhances its capacity to investigat­e and prosecute those concerned. To counter these threats, Britain’s police and security forces need to be able to act just as quickly and across borders. Informatio­n needs to be shared speedily, arrests have to be co-ordinated and a prosecutio­n strategy devised very early in the process. Unless action across Europe is joint action, it can make a bad situation worse, not better. To take an obvious example, if different members of a criminal gang operating in three different countries in Europe are not arrested on the same day at precisely the same time, with a clear plan for subsequent action, it is almost inevitable that those not picked up in the first swoop will not be arrested at all.

That is why all those involved in the investigat­ion and prosecutio­n of serious organised crime have always made full use of available EU police and criminal justice measures, often with very good results. One of the best examples is the case of Hussain Osman, one of the failed July 21 London bombers, who placed explosives at Shepherd’s Bush tube station in 2005 before fleeing to Italy.


As a result of joint UK-Italian intelligen­ce sharing, joint enforcemen­t action and a European arrest warrant, he was arrested in Rome a few days later by Italian police officers and returned to the UK in 56 days. He was successful­ly prosecuted and is now serving a 40-year prison sentence.

That is in stark contrast to progress under earlier non-EU arrangemen­ts. The return from the UK to France of Rachid Ramda for his part in the 1995 Paris metro bombings took nearly 10 years to agree. The European Police Office, known as Europol, establishe­d in 1998, contribute­s to more than 13,500 cross-border investigat­ions each year.

Four years ago, a UK-led operation involving informatio­n sharing and co-ordination across 12 countries dealt successful­ly with a very large child abuse network. At least 230 children worldwide were at risk, including 60 in the UK, and the operation led to the arrest of more than 180 offenders, 121 of whom were arrested in the UK.

This type of effective collective action — helping to protect UK citizens — would be much more difficult if Britain were outside these collective EU institutio­ns. Alongside Europol, there are EU arrangemen­ts for joint investigat­ion teams, which enable police teams in two or more EU countries to team up to carry out criminal investigat­ions, and Eurojust, which is the body responsibl­e for judicial cooperatio­n between EU member states.

No less useful is the European criminal records informatio­n system, which allows EU member states to obtain details of the previous conviction­s of EU nationals. This allows courts to make the right bail decisions, take bad character into account and, on conviction, give sentences that reflect previous offending history. No home secretary would want to have to explain to the family of a victim killed by someone on bail that, had the details of a previous conviction in the EU been available earlier, the suspect would never have been bailed at all.

Just as with the civil cooperatio­ns measures relied on by businesses every day, so too with the criminal justice cooperatio­n measures: Almost anyone with experience in fighting crime across borders agrees that a return to the pre-EU slow and creaking way of working would be a big step in the wrong direction.

One of the most important and widely underappre­ciated benefits of Britain’s membership of the EU is the additional security it provides in the fight against crossborde­r crime, terrorism, people traffickin­g and sexual exploitati­on. In the Strategic Defence and Security Review, signed off by British Prime Minister David Cameron in 2010, the point could not have been made more bluntly: “UK membership of the EU is a key part of our internatio­nal engagement and means of promoting security and prosperity in the European neighbourh­ood.”

Britain outside the EU would be less able to respond with the speed and strength it needs to tackle complex and growing cross-border threats. That is why, alongside the business case for staying in the EU, there is a hardheaded national security case for Britain. By flirting with withdrawal from the EU, Cameron is now putting all of this at risk.

Keir Starmer QC is British Labour MP for Holborn and St Pancras.

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