Gulf News

More starvation deaths reported in Madaya

UN says there are some 450,000 people trapped in around 15 besieged areas across Syria Local relief workers in Madaya have reported 32 starvation deaths over the past month.


Five people have starved to death in the last week in the Syrian town of Madaya, where a single biscuit sells for $15 and baby milk costs $313 per kilo, despite two emergency United Nations aid deliveries to the besieged town, a UN report said.

Local relief workers have reported 32 deaths of starvation in the past month, and last week two convoys of aid supplies were delivered to the 42,000 people living under a months-long blockade.

Dozens more people need immediate specialise­d medical care outside Madaya if they are to survive, but aid workers from the UN and Syrian Arab Red Crescent have managed to evacuate only 10 people, the report said.

“Since 11 January, despite the assistance provided, five people reportedly died of severe and acute malnutriti­on in Madaya,” said the UN humanitari­an report, published late on Sunday.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said on Thursday that Syria’s warring parties, particular­ly President Bashar Al Assad’s government, were committing “atrocious acts” and he condemned the use of starvation as a weapon of war in the nearly fiveyear-old conflict.

The United Nations says there are some 450,000 people trapped in around 15 sieges across Syria, including in areas controlled by the government, Daesh terrorists and rebel groups.

The UN made seven requests in 2015 to bring an aid convoy to the town, and got permission to deliver aid for 20,000 people in October, the report said. After several more requests, the Syrian government allowed a lifesaving aid delivery on January 11 and another on January 14.

About 50 people left the town on January 11, the report said.

The UN has asked Syria to allow the evacuation of a number of others needing immediate care, it said.

Syrian government forces and their allies have surrounded Madaya and neighbouri­ng Bqine since July 2015 and imposed increasing­ly strict conditions on freedom of movement.

The UN said the humanitari­an workers who entered the town last week heard that landmines had been laid since late September to stop people leaving, but many civilians continued to try to search for food on the outskirts, and some had lost limbs in landmine explosions.

The controls on movement also meant many children had been separated from their parents, leading to symptoms of trauma and behavioura­l disorders.

Chairs and desks in schools are being used as firewood and there have been unconfirme­d reports of women being harassed at military checkpoint­s and of gender-based violence, the UN said.

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