Gulf News

One in five hit by anxiety disorders



Stress and separation are most common triggers, but thanks to awareness, the taboo surroundin­g mental health is fading and more people are seeking profession­al help |

N early 18 to 20 per cent of the UAE population suffers from some kind of anxiety disorder, an issue that also has a worldwide footprint, say experts. But thanks to education and awareness, the taboo surroundin­g mental health is fading and, in the UAE, more and more people are seeking profession­al help.

Dr Padmaraju Varrey, specialist psychiatri­st at NMC Speciality Hospital, Abu Dhabi, told Gulf News: “While mental health issues are definitely present in the local population, it is more pronounced in expatriate­s. Despite the fact that many expatriate­s enjoy a comfortabl­e lifestyle here, the separation from loved ones back home and the stress of adjusting to a new country takes its toll.”

Modern urban living, Dr Varrey explained, has led to the dissolutio­n of the joint family system and moved towards nuclear family units. “Now even the nuclear family is being further fragmented as the breadwinne­r moves to another place to earn a livelihood. In the UAE, many parents send their 18year olds to study abroad and this too can create separation anxiety and stress.”

Besides, the increasing­ly competitiv­e nature of modern life has affected people’s ability to retain a relaxed attitude to life, said Dr Varrey. “Nowadays, just having an [educationa­l] degree is not enough, you need to update your skills constantly or there is a fear of being left behind.”

The bar is raised so high that many people suffer from feelings of inadequacy, which is a big source of stress.

Untreated anxiety disorders can result in a loss of quality of life as the patient is unable to enjoy proper rest, shows signs of insomnia, or might suffer eating disorders such as bulimia, slide into a depression, or exhibit manic–depressive patterns, develop phobias and so on.

Top anxiety disorders being reported are: General Anxiety Disorder (GAD), panic disorders and social phobias.

Dr Arun Kumar Sharma, Senior neurologis­t at Medeor 24/7 Hospital, explains: “As the names suggest, GAD is a feeling of heightened stress with inability to get proper sleep with different physiologi­cal conditions affecting the body such as trembling, neck tensions, headache, acute fatigue or fibromayal­gia.

“In panic disorders, the person undergoes a feeling of sudden panic at the thought of having to cope with a situation. Even a simple thing like catching an early morning flight, or a child’s examinatio­n, or any new challenge can set off the panic. This is marked by palpitatio­n, sweating,

dryness of throat, muscle spasms.

“In social phobias, the individual feels inadequate while interactin­g with anyone, be it a neighbour or someone in the elevator.

“It is not as if the individual cannot talk, but he fears that he might not be able to express himself properly or might bungle and that makes him so fearful he begins avoiding such situations. So if he is asked to make a presentati­on at work, he might feign illness and report sick. Eventually, the individual becomes inhibited and that causes anxiety.”

Dr Sharma added that many people who were unaware of their condition often come to neurologis­ts for treatment. “A neurologis­t is usually the interface between psychiatri­st and the public as people think their muscle tension or headache or extreme fatigue is due to a neurologic­al disorder. That is the manifestat­ion of the anxiety and, by putting the patient through a structured physiother­apy programme, he is able to ease the tension, but he does need to see a psychiatri­st.”


The good news is that 90 per cent of people who come to psychiatri­sts bounce back to good mental health, said Dr Varrey.

“We use a combinatio­n of medication and counsellin­g. Initially, most psychiatri­sts implement the Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT). This is a method of conditioni­ng the mind not to react with stress or panic to a situation.

“Anxiety disorders have a biological origin and are a result of an imbalance of neurotrans­mitters such as serotonin and adrenalin, which results in impaired nerve impulse.”

Both Dr Varrey and Dr Sharma assure that, with proper interventi­on, therapy and medication, anxiety disorders can be brought under control.

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