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UAE drives UN move for greener planet

There are clear signs right across the world of countries seeking to toughen their response to global warming

- Special to Gulf News

hirty-one countries, including the UAE, Mexico, Brazil, Bangladesh and Argentina, formally ratified on Wednesday the Paris climate change agreement at the United Nations. The major diplomatic move significan­tly increases the prospects that the landmark global warming treaty will now come into effect soon, possibly before the end of the year.

For this to happen, at least 55 countries accounting for a minimum of 55 per cent of global emissions must deposit their instrument­s of ratificati­on with the UN. With Wednesday’s breakthrou­gh, 60 countries accounting for 47.7 per cent of emissions have now ratified, including China and the United States.

Video messages from other countries that have yet to ratify, including Germany, France, Canada, Australia and South Korea, were given to the UN on Wednesday too with promises that they too will ratify the Paris accord in the coming months. Should this happen, these additions will mean that the 55 per cent threshold of global emissions target will have been met, allowing the treaty to come into force potentiall­y in 2016.

However, there is at least one big storm cloud on the horizon. That is the possibilit­y, should Republican nominee Donald Trump win November’s presidenti­al election in America, that the United States may seek to ‘reverse’ its ratificati­on. It is, politicall­y, impossible to get the Paris Treaty approved in the US Congress and US President Barack Obama has therefore embedded the treaty through executive actions, which could be unravelled by a Trump White House, and indeed are also being challenged in US courts.

However, while Obama’s executive orders could be unravelled, the Paris deal contains a clause that could “lock in” US support for the foreseeabl­e future. This is because the deal, once it enters into force, contains a provision that any nation wishing to withdraw must wait four years — the length of a US presidenti­al term.

The formal triggering of the Paris agreement will be a very welcome shot in the arm for attempts to tackle global warming. The deal was reached by more than 190 countries last December as the successor treaty to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol after years of painstakin­g negotiatio­ns.

In the months since then, the deal has been criticised from two main vantage points. Firstly, some sceptics, such as Trump, argue climate change is a “hoax” and wish to see the deal dismantled, despite the strong scientific consensus on global warming and its potentiall­y calamitous perils.

Secondly, there are those for whom the agreement does not go far enough. As the UN itself has concluded, the commitment­s by states made in Paris, very important as they are, are not yet enough to limit global average temperatur­e rise to 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels — the level many scientists say we must not breach if we are to avoid the worst risks of global warming.

Moving forward

However, it needs to be remembered that the years of negotiatio­ns that led to Paris were enormously difficult. So, rather than viewing the December 2015 agreement as the end of the process, it must be seen as the beginning of a much longer journey. The roadmap for moving forward is already clear.

Firstly, implementa­tion of the deal will be most effective through national laws where politicall­y feasible. The country “commitment­s” put forward in Paris will be more credible — and durable beyond the next set of national elections — if they are backed up by national legislatio­n where this is possible.

And this must ideally be supported by well informed, cross-party lawmakers from across the political spectrum who can put in place a credible set of policies and measures to ensure effective implementa­tion and hold government­s to account so Paris delivers. To enable this to happen, bodies like the Council of Europe advocate disseminat­ion of best practice across legislatur­es from Asia-Pacific to the Americas, the building of capacity and promotion of common, effective approaches across countries.

From 2017 onwards, the ambition must be that these national frameworks are replicated in even more countries, and progressiv­ely ratcheted up. There are clear signs of this happening already in numerous states, right across the world, as countries seek to toughen their response to global warming.

What this movement towards a more robust stance on climate change shows is the scale of the transforma­tion in attitudes taking place amongst many government­s and wider societies across the globe. Many countries now view tackling global warming as in the national self-interest and see, for instance, that expanding domestic sources of renewable energy not only reduces emissions, but also increases energy security by reducing reliance on imported fossil fuels.

Reducing energy demand through greater efficiency reduces costs and increases competitiv­eness. Improving resilience to the impacts of global warming also makes economic sense. And domestic laws also give clear signals about direction of policy, reducing uncertaint­y, particular­ly for the private sector.

Going forward, all of this underlines why legislator­s must be at the centre of internatio­nal negotiatio­ns and policy processes not just on climate change, but also on the full range of UN sustainabi­lity issues, including the 2030 developmen­t goals. Along with government­s, lawmakers can now help co-create, and followthro­ugh to implement, what could be a foundation of global sustainabl­e developmen­t in coming decades for billions across the world, starting with ratificati­on of the Paris climate deal.

Andrew Hammond is an Associate at LSE IDEAS (the Centre for Internatio­nal Affairs, Diplomacy and Strategy) at the London School of Economics.

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