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Investors grapple for clarity on Brexit

Months down the line, certain sectors and businesses could be better placed, but it’s still too early to tell how much of an impact Brexit is likely to have on economic and business conditions


hen the British voted in a referendum to leave the European Union, it clouded the political outlook across the region, and that made the economic and investment outlook far murkier, too.

It’s still too early to tell, even three months after the vote, how much of an impact the so-called Brexit is likely to have on economic and business conditions, investment advisers say. Calm has been restored, they acknowledg­e, but they warn that long-term risks remain in Europe, Britain most of all, for businesses and therefore for investors, too.

The investment outlook is “a lot less favourable” in Britain, said Alan Mudie, head of investment strategy at Societe Generale Private Banking Hambros. Until companies have clarity about their longer-term relationsh­ip with the EU, they will delay investment­s, he said. “It doesn’t make sense not to, until they know what sort of marketplac­e they’re going to be operating in.”

Sarah Ketterer, manager of the Causeway Internatio­nal Value fund, agreed that “from an investment perspectiv­e, everything is delayed.” As a result, she said she was “making very conservati­ve assumption­s” about conditions in Britain, and she predicted a mild recession in 2017.

She is not alone, and Britain may not be, either, when it comes to the consequenc­es of Brexit. The British bank Barclays warned that Brexit is likely to create substantia­l headwinds for economies in Britain and on the Continent in coming months.

Highlighti­ng surveys showing that corporatio­ns’ plans to invest declined markedly and that consumer confidence had eroded, Barclays forecast that the British economy would be pushed into a recession imminently. As for Europe overall, “We expect growth to slow further towards yearend, as Brexit weighs on confidence, private consumptio­n and investment,” the bank said in an economics report in August.

Reaction to the vote in regional economic and confidence data had been muted, the report said. But: “Most forward-looking components showed that expectatio­ns had resumed their downward trend, and we expect confidence to be further affected in the months to come. Uncertaint­y is likely to weigh on investment, with a negative feedback loop on the labour market and private consumptio­n.”

The initial reaction to the Brexit vote was much starker. Many people assumed that Brexit would be awful for the country, the region and beyond. The result was plunging stock markets and currencies almost everywhere.

The MSCI Europe index fell 13 per cent in the two trading days after the June 23 referendum, and the MSCI index of British stocks fell 15.7 per cent. The indexes are calculated in dollars, so those figures incorporat­e the declines in stocks and also in the euro and the pound against the dollar.

Within a week, both indexes had recovered more than half of the losses, although it is unclear why. A new British prime minister had taken over and pledged to honour the decision to leave the 28-nation bloc, but everything else related to Britain’s departure was still up in the air. The outlook had not changed, only the public’s feelings about it.

Markets in the region have stabilised, helping investors who hung on for the wild ride. Funds that specialise in European stocks rose 5.3 per cent in the third quarter, according to Morningsta­r.

But where investors, and businesses, go from here is much less certain.

Hard to ignore

What makes the post-referendum outlook especially hard to gauge for businesses is that Britain has yet to make clear how it intends to honour the result. A report by Brewin Dolphin, a British wealth management firm, suggested that the new government of Prime Minister Theresa May would have to thread a very slender needle as it tries to keep the country in the single European market for goods and services while imposing limits on immigratio­n.

How it will go about accomplish­ing that could become clearer next spring. May said that Britain would invoke Article 50 in March. That is an EU treaty provision that governs the process for a country to leave the union.

Evidence of the concern among businesses can be found in a Bank of England survey taken just after the vote. It reported that “companies indicated the result of the EU referendum would have a negative effect, overall, on capital spending, hiring and turnover over the coming year.” It added that “employment and investment intentions had weakened in absolute terms, pointing to expectatio­ns of little change in staff numbers and capital spending over the coming six to 12 months.”

James Hunt, manager of the Tocquevill­e Internatio­nal Value fund, is willing to give the economy and stocks in Britain and the rest of Europe some benefit of doubt when it comes to Britain’s departure from the EU, if and when it occurs. “The market reaction is overdone,” Hunt said. “Brexit may not happen. There are plenty of ways the UK government can cause it not to happen” through what it asks for, and when, in its negotiatio­ns with the union.

If Brexit goes ahead, “there will be a moderate impact on the UK initially and then I think they could end up in a better place,” he said. “There will be a smaller impact on the European economy, and what I hope is that it’s another incentive for Europe to accelerate whatever structural reforms they have going.”

Some businesses and investors in Europe have waited — and hoped — for many years for government initiative­s to reduce regulatory hurdles and to make labour cheaper and employment more flexible, which would improve competitiv­eness and economic growth.

The prospect of Britain leaving the EU could concentrat­e the minds of political leaders, but Ketterer said many large companies are tired of hanging around and are undertakin­g changes of their own. That fact tends to get lost amid the apprehensi­on over factors such as Brexit, creating what she sees as solid investment opportunit­ies, particular­ly in large, European, multinatio­nal companies in economical­ly fragile sectors.

“We might have to wait awhile for government­s to restructur­e, but these companies aren’t waiting,” she said. “We really like these globally competitiv­e, cyclical companies. They are really well managed and cheaper” than shares of equivalent American companies.

The preference for large British companies that make money abroad is widespread. Hunt likes the beverage purveyor Diageo, for instance. Its “cash flows are global, and the perceived connection to the UK is greater than it really is,” he said.

A globally diversifie­d revenue stream should inoculate such companies against weakness in the pound, a developmen­t that provides British exporters with a substantia­l competitiv­e advantage over their peers elsewhere by making British goods and services cheaper to foreign customers, Mudie of Societe Generale pointed out. That is a prime reason that he also favours large British companies.

 ??  ?? A crowded Oxford Street with commuters and tourists from all over the world. Even months after Britain voted to get out of the EU, investment advisers warn that long-term risks remain in Europe, Britain most of all for businesses and therefore for...
A crowded Oxford Street with commuters and tourists from all over the world. Even months after Britain voted to get out of the EU, investment advisers warn that long-term risks remain in Europe, Britain most of all for businesses and therefore for...

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