Gulf News

Yemen public servants paid their salaries


- BY SAEED AL BATATI Correspond­ent

Thousands of government employees inside rebel-controlled Sana’a have received months of unpaid salaries after the internatio­nally recognised government in Aden transferre­d the money through a local exchange company, state-run media said on Wednesday.

Public servants in the liberated provinces or Al Houthi-held ones have not been paid their salaries since September when president Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi ordered relocating the central bank from Al Houthi-held Sana’a to Aden to put an end to Al Houthis’ plundering of the monetary authority’s reserves.

Al Houthis responded to it by stopping salaries of government employees, prompting Hadi’s government into assuring all public servants, who were added to the payroll before Al Houthis’ coup in late 2014, that they would get their salaries

This week, the government sent two cheques worth hundreds of millions of riyals to the Sana’a-based Al Kurimi Exchange Company in order to to pay salaries to the government employees in Sana’a.

Government employees in other Al Houthi-held provinces are expected to receive their salaries through the same company in the coming days, the government said in a statement carried by the sate-run Saba news agency. The government has recently announced the end of a chronic cash crunch after the arrival of billions of riyals in cash which were printed in Russia.

Army officials loyal to Hadi said yesterday that their forces are still battling pockets of Al Houthis snipers inside the strategic port town of Mocha, a signal to rebel forces’ determinat­ion to maintain their control over the town.

On Monday, top military officers announced liberating the Red Sea town after heavy clashes with Al Houthis backed by renegade army units loyal to the ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh.

Local journalist­s embedded with the army said there were barred from visiting the liberated city, citing the presence of Al Houthi snipers and landmines.

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