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Squeezed by far right, Merkel faces rising left

The shocks of 2016 — Brexit vote and Trump’s election — have profoundly shaken Germany, which depends on Pax Americana and global institutio­ns


he is considered the indispensa­ble European, yet one of the biggest questions looming over the continent’s crucial elections this year is whether Germany still regards Angela Merkel as indispensa­ble, too. Seven months before national elections in Germany, the prevailing wisdom has held that Merkel, now seeking a fourth four-year term as chancellor, is most vulnerable to the rising popularity of the country’s far right, just as other populist, far-right parties are gaining in upcoming elections in the Netherland­s and France.

Yet suddenly, Germany’s left has unexpected­ly resurged, prompting Der Spiegel magazine this weekend to pose a question on its cover: “Will She Fall?”

A reliable answer is not in sight. The shocks of 2016 — Britain’s vote to leave the European Union and the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States — have profoundly shaken Germany, which depends more than any other European nation on Pax Americana and global institutio­ns set up after the Second World War.

But on Sunday, the rebound of the left — along with the broad German distaste for Trump that has helped fuel it — was on full display. The popular centre-left Social Democrat Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who has served in Merkel’s coalition government as foreign minister for seven years, won the presidency with 931 votes in the 1,260-member assembly that elects the president to a five-year term.

Despite being a largely ceremonial position, the presidency provides stature and an important platform for Steinmeier, a popular and charismati­c politician. In his brief acceptance speech, he encouraged Germans to be bold in difficult times.

“If we want to give others courage, then we must have some ourselves,” he said on a day when many other speakers evoked the country’s dark past and its emergence as a democracy after the Nazis’ defeat in the Second World War.

One marvel of travelling the world, he said, was to realise that Germany has become a model.

Before the vote, the conservati­ve head of parliament, Norbert Lammert, gave a surprising­ly fiery speech that — without mentioning names — attacked Trump and President Vladimir Putin of Russia for trying to divide or weaken Europe.

“Whoever champions a closed mind instead of openness to the world, whoever literally walls themselves in, bets on protection­ism instead of free trade and preaches isolationi­sm instead of states cooperatin­g, and declares ‘We first’ as a programme, should not be surprised if others do the same — with all the fatal side effects for internatio­nal ties which we know from the 20th century,” Lammert said. That goes, he added, for individual European states “but also for our great partner country across the Atlantic.”

Once, it would have been rare for German politician­s to lecture other democracie­s on values, especially the United States, but Germany is now regarded as a critical pillar in upholding the liberal western order, which is one reason the September 24 national elections are being watched so closely.

It is also why some of Merkel’s fellow conservati­ves quietly grumbled that she was outfoxed when she agreed to put Steinmeier forward as the presidenti­al candidate of her grand coalition government, which unites her conservati­ve bloc with the centreleft Social Democrats. Even as the presidency stands above party politics, Steinmeier, 61, a lawyer and lifelong politician, is likely to be a boon for his party.

His election coincided with a Social Democratic surge in opinion polls since the centre-left chose Martin Schulz, a former president of the European Parliament, to lead them into battle against Merkel in the elections.

In its weekend cover story, Der Spiegel described the current period as “the twilight of Merkel” and noted that she had appeared listless of late.

Merkel’s conservati­ve bloc appears somewhat rattled. Her respected finance minister, Wolfgang Schauble, the longest-sitting member of Germany’s parliament, used an interview in Der Spiegel this weekend to accuse Schulz of Trump-style populism.

Sigmar Gabriel, the Social Democrat who has replaced Steinmeier as foreign minister, swiftly retaliated: “The radical and ill intentione­d mockery” in US politics “should not be swept in to Germany,” he said.

Unquestion­ably, Trump’s election has deeply altered the geopolitic­al landscape for Merkel. She has kept a cool distance, and the two leaders are expected to meet for the first time this spring.

Domestical­ly, Merkel is contending with a continuing political backlash to her 2015 decision to admit more than 1 million migrants, many of them Muslim, into the country. The far-right Alternativ­e for Germany party, which started as a movement against the euro currency, now carries an anti-migrant, anti-Muslim message and has leaders who have sympathy for Trump’s politics.

Tellingly, Frauke Petry and other Alternativ­e for Germany leaders did not applaud with everyone else during Lammert’s speech when he attacked isolationi­sm or what he termed a “We first” attitude. Under pressure, Merkel has back-pedalled somewhat in recent months, reducing the influx of migrants and taking a tougher line on deportatio­ns.

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