Gulf News

Livni candidacy a stain on internatio­nal body

UN should not give deputy secretary-general’s post to former Israeli minister who is accused of war crimes


The politicisa­tion of the United Nations has hit a new low after reports emerged over the weekend that UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres offered the post of deputy secretary-general to former Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni, who has been implicated in war crimes against Palestinia­ns.

According to the Haaretz, an Israeli daily, Livni, was asked to join the world body by Guterres himself in a phone call. If the reports are confirmed it would be a huge stain on the internatio­nal body, tasked with upholding internatio­nal law and being a voice of reason in the global community. The Israeli politician was implicated in war crimes during her tenure as foreign minister during the War on Gaza in 2008-2009.

The alleged offer comes amid a row at the UN over the proposal to name former Palestinia­n National Authority (PNA) prime minister Salam Fayyad the organisati­on’s envoy on the Libya conflict.

The US has blocked the appointmen­t at the request of Israel’s ambassador Danny Danon. Israel and the US reportedly fear the appointmen­t of Fayyad, a former World Bank economist, is meant to be a further signal of recognitio­n for Palestinia­n statehood.

In a move that incensed Israel, the UN General Assembly voted to recognise the Palestinia­n state in 2012, granting Palestine the status of non-member observer state.

The developmen­ts come amid a pro-Israeli Donald Trump presidency in the United States that has shown nothing but disregard for Palestinia­n rights and ambitions for a future state.

The United Nations has a moral obligation to stand up to US bullying tactics and should categorica­lly reject the candidacy of Livni for the position of deputy secretary-general.

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