Gulf News

Celebrate today with live music



the year 2000 — a golden era for R’n’B — Jagged Edge get pretty adorable here.

Favourite lyric: “We ain’t getting no younger, we might as well do it.” Remember when you were in high school and the cool thing to say was ‘music is my boyfriend’? We’re here to assure you it’s still cool. This Valentine’s Day, community organisers Freshly Ground Sounds are bringing back their fourth annual For the Love of Music event at Dubai Garden Centre to ensure you’re not alone in your romantic pursuit of good songs. For the Love of Music will feature two notable things: fresh coffee and local bands (some old favourites, some new faces). The Dubai Garden Centre will be transforme­d, according to organisers, “into an intimate pop-up live music venue for one night, surrounded by plants, candles and blankets.” Your pets are allowed to come, too. Pimms Brooke.


Moh Flow is a Jordanian singer-songwriter in the genres of R’n’B and rap.

Norman Bataille is a Cuban singersong­writer performing jazz, blues, funk, rock, country, swing and R’n’B.

Pimms Brooke is a pop and soul singer hailing from London.

The Heavy Touches are an indie-acoustic act that are new to the Freshly stage and new to Dubai. A King Made is a solo reggae-funk act. Dari & Gio are sibling musicians aged 13 and 17, who began performing with Freshly last year.

Gravity is a girl band, made up of 9-12 year old performers.

Prithvi is a piano rock solo act. —M.H.

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