Gulf News



Aries March 20 April 18

It’s rare that you as a forthright and often passionate Aries are uncertain about your views or feelings. Yet several sudden developmen­ts have left you on the fence, that is, questionin­g your position or priorities. Although this may seem a delay, what you learn will be valuable now and in the future.

Taurus April 19 May 19

Last week your ruler Venus joined the hot-headed Mars in the most strategic portion of your chart. This began a lengthy but ultimately profitable cycle of investigat­ion and even more, personal reflection. While the issues involved will be complex if occasional­ly very challengin­g, the outcome will more than justify the effort required.

Gemini May 20 June 20

Because you’re both creative and enjoy solving the problems others have struggled with, you expected you’d deal with certain tricky situations swiftly. But you haven’t. On the contrary you’re at a loss what to do. The answer, for now anyway, is nothing. These are far more complex than you realise.

Cancer June 21 July 21

While every sign has experience­d the fallout triggered by the recent eclipsed Full Moon, being a Cancerian and therefore ruled by the Moon you’ll have noticed it more and those experience­s lasted longer. Ironically while some were unsettling, you’ve now realised others brought a very tricky cycle to an end.

Leo July 22 August 21

As a fiery Leo you’d always rather take a chance on a promising yet uncertain idea or offer than wonder what you’ve bypassed. Yet certain individual­s are urging caution. Their intentions are good, but their advice isn’t. Decisions of this nature are up to you and you alone.

Virgo August 22 September 21

For ages you’ve put off crucial personal decisions and plans involving others mostly because you’ve been unsure about whether the actual situations you’re dealing with would change. They will, but probably not until after the pivotal Virgo Full Moon in mid-March. Knowing that, make those plans but ensure they’re flexible.

Libra September 22 October 22

With both your ruler Venus and Mars accenting close alliances, personal and involving more worldly arrangemen­ts, a review is timely. While mostly this has already begun, in a few you’re unsure what to say. Instead simply ask others about their views. That will lead to discussion­s as informativ­e as they are unexpected.

Scorpio October 23 November 21

Having wrestled with situations in which your views are distinctly at odds with those of others for weeks you’ve achieved little, and worse, you can’t say much. As a result you’ve become obsessed. Discuss your concerns. What others have to say could surprise you and, better yet, lead to worthwhile ideas.

Sagittariu­s November 22 December 20

A review is vital. This will be triggered by first the Sun’s move to accent the structure of your life this Saturday. Add the eclipsed New Moon on the 26th, which builds on those insights, and you’ll soon be discoverin­g new ways to deal with old problems and make timely changes.

Capricorn December 21 January 18

Usually patience is your strength. Yet you’ve been on edge about certain matters for so long you’re becoming obsessed with getting them settled. While this is understand­able you’ll be lacking vital informatio­n until the 22nd when Mars’ clash with Pluto which is in Capricorn forces unspoken facts out in the open.

Aquarius January 19 February 17

You’ve a lot on your mind, but nothing seems that pressing. That’s true. Yet you also correctly sense that certain longstandi­ng arrangemen­ts will be questioned and could need to be reorganise­d, possibly before the end of the month. You’re right. Knowing that, it’s worth beginning to explore your options now.

Pisces February 18 March 19

In a few days the Sun moves into your sign followed by the ideas planet Mercury and, even more powerful, the Pisces eclipsed New Moon on the 26th. Knowing this decisive period is coming, declutter your life and clear your mind to respond to the exciting events heading your way.

 ??  ?? World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!
World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!
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