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Trump slams media over anonymous sources

US president also promises bold action on health care, trade, energy policy at forum


US President Donald Trump escalated his criticism of the news media yesterday, taking direct aim this time at the use of anonymous sources.

Reporters “shouldn’t be allowed to use sources unless they use somebody’s name,” he declared, just hours after members of his own staff held a press briefing and refused to allow their names to be used.

“A source says that Donald Trump is a horrible, horrible human being, let them say it to my face,” Trump told a large crowd at the Conservati­ve Political Action Conference. “Let there be no more sources.”

Trump said he wasn’t against all media, just “the fake news media or press.”

“I’m against the people that make up stories and make US President Donald Trump yesterday promised a historic buildup of America’s already vast military, but said he hoped he would never need to use it. We are “putting in a massive budget request for our beloved military and we will be substantia­lly upgrading all of our military,” Trump told the Conservati­ve Political Action Conference (CPAC) just outside Washington,

“Offensive. Defensive. Everything. Bigger and better and stronger than ever before. And hopefully we’ll never have to use it,” he added.

Trump last month signed an executive order to begin increasing the size of the US armed forces, promising new aircraft, naval ships and more resources for the Pentagon. up sources,” he said. “They shouldn’t be allowed to use sources unless they use somebody’s name.”

The president has chafed at a number of anonymousl­y sourced stories, including numerous reports describing contacts between his campaign officials and the Russians, which the White House has sharply disputed. The White House went over its stance early yesterday — on condition no names be used.

“The fake news doesn’t tell the truth,” Trump insisted. “It doesn’t represent the people. It will never represent the people and we’re going to do something about it.”

Warm welcome

It was a triumphal return to CPAC for Trump, who was warmly welcomed by a crowd that loves pushback against the mainstream media.

After his broadside on the press, Trump turned to a recitation of his agenda, promising bold action on health care, trade, energy policy and more.

“One by one, we’re checking off the promises we made to the American people,” he said, telling the group “I will not disappoint you.” Trump told the conservati­ves that the health care law he inherited from President Barack Obama threatens to bring about “total catastroph­e,” reiteratin­g his promise to repeal it.

He highlighte­d his efforts to get tough on illegal immigratio­n, saying that “as we speak today, immigratio­n officers are finding gang members, drug dealers and criminal aliens and throwing them the hell out”.

He promised changes to the welfare system, saying, “It’s time for all Americans to get off welfare and get back to work,” adding that: “You’re going to love it.”

While conservati­ves aren’t always in sync with Trump’s views, they’re happy to have a scrapper in the White House who’s often on their side.

“How good it feels to have somebody lead our country who knows how to fight,” American Conservati­ve Union chairman Matt Schlapp told the crowd in introducin­g Trump.

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