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World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!


Aries March 20 April 18

Because you think and often speak swiftly you sometimes ignore your intuition. Now that the ideas planet Mercury has moved into Pisces, which is all about such feelings, it’s worth taking things at a slower pace, one that will allow you to sense and take advantage of the resulting astonishin­g insights.

Taurus April 19 May 19

By and large you’re able to deal with even the most difficult of individual­s without a problem. Yet now you’re feeling the pressure with those you’d usually handle with ease. Actually there’s no better time than now to gently but firmly confront them about their increasing­ly irritating attitude or behaviour.

Gemini May 20 June 20

Every sign is influenced by this weekend’s eclipsed New Moon. However, because it accents your activities out in the world sudden changes are likely. Worrying as these may be initially, once you’ve learnt more you’ll realise they’re timely breakthrou­ghs although they not necessaril­y in the form you’d anticipate­d.

Cancer June 21 July 21

It’s not easy to break away from habits that once were both healthy and reassuring, but which have turned into an excuse not to make changes. They’ve been plenty of opportunit­ies to take a fresh approach, but you’ve always had an excuse. Now events are forcing the issue.

Leo July 22 August 21

Be aware that there’s a difference between making decisions which are indeed pressing and those decisions being final. While you’d usually regard such halfway commitment­s as a compromise, in this particular case it’s not only a wise strategy, by taking this approach you’re giving yourself time to explore your options.

Virgo August 22 September 21

When things go wrong, whether it’s about plans or misunderst­andings with others, you’ll often review events in an effort to understand where the problem first arose. However with so much in disarray you’re urged to wait until the dust settles. Only after that will any such analysis be worthwhile.

Libra September 22 October 22

Looking back on the coming week’s events you’ll remember them as thrilling and it being a period of breakthrou­ghs. However, with powerful planetary activity involving Mars, the fortunate Jupiter and unpredicta­ble Uranus, each day will bring surprises. Unsettling as these are, in the end they’ll come together magnificen­tly.

Scorpio October 23 November 21

From your perspectiv­e life is easier when you know what and who you’re dealing with and decisions have been turned into point by point plans. Yet as may already have become clear, at the moment life isn’t that simple. Make plans, yes. But expect changes every day if not every hour.

Sagittariu­s November 22 December 20

For most of your life you’ve listened to those who suggest you plan ahead carefully then ignored much of what they said and organised things to suit you. However, between now and mid-March’s Full Moon which accents decisions involving others you’ll need to pay close attention to the ideas and priorities of others.

Capricorn December 21 January 18

No matter how much thought you’ve given to certain arrangemen­ts, judging by the coming week’s intense but exciting planetary activity they’re unlikely to remain as first conceived. In fact changes could be dramatic. Tempting as it is to rein these in, you’re encouraged to explore absolutely everything. You’ll be glad you did.

Aquarius January 19 February 17

If ever there was a time to listen to then ignore convention­al advice it’s now. The actual situations you’re dealing with are being transforme­d, often beyond recognitio­n. You already sense this and the nature of these changes will become increasing­ly clear over the coming weeks. The more you explore the better.

Pisces February 18 March 19

You could easily blame others for not taking arrangemen­ts seriously or being distracted when they knew certain plans meant a lot to you. But the fact is everybody and every sign is influenced by the current eclipse and the coming days’ dramatic planetary activity. Don’t take disappoint­ments too much to heart.

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