Gulf News

Dead Filipina didn’t visit home for 6 years

Three children of the woman whose remains were mixed up in UAE await ‘reunion’


When Aika last saw her mum, Febie Layug Guzman, she was just 13 years old; her siblings were aged 7 and 5. Six years later, they’re still waiting to see their mum in what will be a heartbreak­ing reunion.

Febie, 44, a salon worker in Ajman passed away on November 15. The Filipina’s remains however were mixed up and a different body, that of another Filipina, was sent to her family in the

Febie was found unconsciou­s in the streets of Ajman on November 6. She was then taken to Shaikh Khalifa Hospital but she died nine days later. Her Philippine­s this weekend. body was transferre­d to Ajman Police for investigat­ion that same month.

Following the unfortunat­e incident, the family has postponed her burial rites for now.

“We do not know what really happened to our mum. We had been told that she had an aneurysm,” Aika, 19, Febie’s eldest daughter, told Gulf News in a phone interview from the Philippine­s.

“It’s hard to accept that our mum will not be with us anymore. My sister and brother are still young,” she added.

Aika said her mother was supposed to come home in October last year.

“My mum told my grandma that she wanted to surprise us and that she would come home on October 25. She had prepared everything for her trip. But then she called us and told us that her employer did not buy her a ticket,” Aika said.

Aika said her mother sacrificed a lot to help her father, who works as a carpenter, give them a good life.

The Philippine ConsulateG­eneral, through its Assistance-To-Nationals (ATN) Section is extending help to the family.

“The consulate extends its deepest sympathies to the family of Febie Layug Guzman. We’re doing everything we can, we’re coordinati­ng with local authoritie­s to be able to get to the bottom of this and to repatriate the body of Guzman as soon as we can,” Vice-Consul Marianne Bringas, head of the ATN Section, said.

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