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To end power cuts, officials target coal

For years Pakistan used its Thar coal reserves as a bargaining chip


Aline of trucks weaves in and out of the open coal pit that has been dug in the Thar Desert in Pakistan’s southern Sindh province.

Below the massive hole lies one of the world’s largest coal reserves, untapped until now.

For years Pakistan used its Thar coal reserves as a bargaining chip in global climate negotiatio­ns.

Since it was not mining the coal, it argued, it should receive easier access to internatio­nal climate finance and to clean technology to help it grow in a cleaner and more sustainabl­e way.

But as part of its attempt to end the country’s energy crisis which has caused frequent power cuts for years, the government is encouragin­g mining companies to the area.

Traditiona­lly Pakistan has had relatively low emissions of climate changing gases.

But under the global Paris Agreement to address climate change, the country has admitted it is likely to see a fourfold increase in emissions by 2030.

The coal mine is set to become Pakistan’s biggest industrial site, said Shamsuddin Shaikh, head of the Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company (SECMC), a joint venture between the Sindh government and Engro Powergen.

The company is mining 1 per cent of the deposits in one of 13 investment blocks.

Coal is “the worst fossil fuel there is”, he said. But “Pakistan needs electricit­y — its GDP is currently affected by the lack of power”, he said.

The estimated 175 billion tonnes of watery, low energy coal was first discovered in 1992 but because of its poor quality, most companies found it too costly to mine.

In 2012, SECMC, took up the challenge, convincing eight companies to join them, two of them Chinese.

They are also now building a 660 megawatt coal power plant nearby — which the company wants to increase to 3,300MW by 2022 — and the Sindh government has improved roads and built an airport in the desert for the project.

The government has promised to end Pakistan’s crippling power outages in time for the 2018 elections, embarking on constructi­on of new hydropower dams, coalfired power plants and renewable energy projects.

Pakistani climate expert Qamar-uz-Zaman Chaudhry, currently advising the Asian Developmen­t Bank, said he has told the government “not to lock the country for the next 25 to 30 years into coal technology”.

“Our role as a responsibl­e member of the global community in combating climate change needs to be fully taken into considerat­ion,” he said.

Most of the world, including China, is moving away from coal-based power generation, Chaudhry said.

Under the Paris climate agreement, countries are meant to be shifting to clean, sustainabl­e energy as part of global attempts to curb greenhouse gas emissions and prevent the worst impacts of climate change, from worsening droughts and floods to accelerati­ng sea level rise.

“Surely the indication­s are that the time may not be far when … countries not following the green energy path would be penalised. Our long term planning should not be focused on coal,” Chaudhry said.

Pakistan is not the only country using coal — one of the cheapest but also most polluting forms of energy — to help plug its growing energy needs.

Most new demand for coalfired power stations is in Southeast Asia, although other countries including Bangladesh are also building new stations.

175 billion tonnes of coal first discovered in Pakistan in 1992, for which the government is encouragin­g investment.

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