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Two left-wing candidates refuse to join forces


The two main left-leaning candidates in France’s presidenti­al election won’t join forces after all. Socialist Benoit Hamon and far-left candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon, a former member of the Socialist Party who is supported by the Communists, both announced over the weekend that they are staying in the race, putting the Left at risk of disappeari­ng after the first round of balloting.

In France’s two-round presidenti­al election, voters will be choosing among a host of candidates on April 23 — and the top two vote-getters go on to compete in a presidenti­al runoff on May 7. The exact number of presidenti­al candidates will be set by the end of March.

Despite opinion polls suggesting that neither left-wing candidate has a chance of reaching the second round, they have shown little appetite for joining forces since the 49-year-old Hamon won the Socialist primary last month.

“I would have preferred a union around my candidacy,” Hamon said yesterday, speaking on France Inter radio.

Less than two months before the election, Hamon has sealed an alliance with the environmen­tal party’s presidenti­al candidate Yannick Jadot, who gave up his bid and joined the Socialist hopeful.

But Hamon, who pledges a universal income to all citizens and wants to reduce France’s reliance on nuclear power, will face a major hurdle in the 65-year-old Melenchon. Both left-wing men are running neck-and-neck in opinion polls, well behind far-right National Front candidate Marine Le Pen or independen­t centrist Emmanuel Macron.

After they dined together in a Parisian restaurant, Melenchon issued a statement saying he and Hamon could not put aside their difference­s but agreed on a “mutual respect code” throughout their campaigns.

Both men have harshly criticised Socialist President Francois Hollande’s austerity politics and found a common ground on criticisin­g an unpopular labour reform bill that has led to violence in the streets last year. Their disagreeme­nts on other major issues proved to be a major deterrent. the stuff of a “guru”. And there remain serious doubts about his ability to appeal beyond middleclas­s voters, as well as the loyalty of his fan base. Mehdi Guillo, a 23-year-old “En Marche” campaigner in the high-rise Paris suburb of Clichy-Montfermei­l, admits that convincing voters in the deprived suburbs to rally behind the smartly-suited philosophy graduate is tricky.

 ?? AFP ?? French presidenti­al election candidate for the ‘En Marche’ movement Emmanuel Macron (centre) poses for a selfie during a meeting in Saint-Priest-Taurion, central France.
AFP French presidenti­al election candidate for the ‘En Marche’ movement Emmanuel Macron (centre) poses for a selfie during a meeting in Saint-Priest-Taurion, central France.

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