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Trump vs press: Crazy, stupid love

Trump cannot live without the press as it is his addiction. Many in the press know they have a rare story and a tantalisin­g, antagonisi­ng protagonis­t


uch has been made of Melania Trump’s absence from the capital. But our new president’s most intense, primal, torrid relationsh­ip is in full ‘The War of the Roses’ bloom here. And it is not with his beautiful, reserved wife. It’s with the press, the mirror for the First Narcissus. President Donald Trump thinks that the mirror is cracked and the coverage is “fake”. And many in the press, spanning the ideologica­l spectrum, think that he is cracked and that a lot of his pronouncem­ents are fake. Can this strange, symbiotic relationsh­ip be saved? Probably not. It is too inflamed and enmeshed, too full of passionate accusation­s. It’s going to end like all those plays and movies — from Othello to Endless Love — where the mutual attraction is so powerful it’s toxic.

Trump could not live without the press. It is his crack. He would be adrift and bereft without his sparring partners, lightning rods, scapegoats and amplifiers. And while many in the press may disdain the way Trump uses them to rile up crowds and deflect from transgress­ions, they know they have a rare story and a tantalisin­g, antagonisi­ng protagonis­t. As New York Times White House reporter Maggie Haberman tweeted in January: “Trump has frequently complained about my reporting,” yet, “He remains the most accessible politician I’ve ever covered.”

The press is everything to Trump, from interior decor — his Trump Tower office was plastered wall to wall with framed magazine covers reflecting his face back at him like an infinity mirror — to daily reading. For decades every morning, he had his assistant print out a sheaf of stories published about him and keep a store of videotapes for ego gratificat­ion. Once Trump became a Twitter addict, this morphed into an incestuous, vertiginou­s spiral, as he got upset and shot back against news reports he did not like.

His campaign staff “cracked the code for tamping down his most inflammato­ry tweets,” Tara Palmeri reported in Politico last week, by ensuring “his personal media consumptio­n includes a steady stream of praise. And when no such praise was to be found, staff would turn to friendly outlets to drum some up — and make sure it made its way to Trump’s desk.”

Talk about fake news. He is the biggest story on the planet, “King Lear meets Rodney Dangerfiel­d,” as Lloyd Grove tweeted after Trump’s recent news conference. As our new president is well aware, he’s a rainmaker and a troublemak­er for media.

Financiall­y pressed news organisati­ons are not being shy about seizing the moment to celebrate — and cash in on — their aggressive independen­ce. They are responding with a missionary zeal to being treated as “the opposition party” that “should keep its mouth shut,” as Trump enforcer Steve Bannon put it.

Trump is constantly berating the press because the accounts of his chaotic, careering first month on the job do not sync up with the glossy, self-regarding image he has in the fun-house mirror of his head and in the reflection from his circle of sycophants. Kellyanne Conway calls him “President Action” and “President Impact” and Bannon compares him to William Jennings Bryan. (Trump would definitely want a cross of gold to match his new Oval Office drapes.)

Back in the ’70s and ’80s, with a shameless talent for self-aggrandise­ment untethered to fact, Trump was able to turn himself into a celebrity. Like his mentor Roy Cohn, Trump learnt to manipulate his coverage in the New York tabloids. He even came up with two alter egos, John Barron and John Miller, so he could masquerade as his own PR agent and spin tall tales about Madonna and Carla Bruni craving him. It doesn’t seem to have sunk in with Trump that he can’t manipulate the press as easily today. He’s the president. When he exaggerate­s and makes things up now, it has global consequenc­es and subverts American values. It is not like whispering lies about which famous women are panting for him.

The White House has been trying to shape coverage by giving passes and questions at news conference­s to Breitbart and other conservati­ve outlets, including some fringe ones. And recently, the White House barred several news organisati­ons from a Sean Spicer briefing. This included The New York Times and CNN, which angered the White House by reporting on links between the Trump campaign and Russian intelligen­ce officials.

This Russian-style domination of the press came only a few hours after the president told CPAC: “I love the First Amendment; nobody loves it better than me. Nobody.”

Fake news. Let’s just hope he doesn’t love the First Amendment to death. Maureen Dowd is a Pulitzer Prize-winning author and New York Times columnist.

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