Gulf News

Why are we looking for another Earth?

In our era, humanity is discoverin­g other worlds, amazing varieties of physical and cosmic conditions, and perhaps one day discover life on another world

- Special to Gulf News

he announceme­nt that an internatio­nal team of researcher­s had found a planetary system with 7 “Earthlike” planets orbiting a cool (pun intended) small red star 40 light-years away brought loads of excitement and a series of questions. Have we really found other earths? Are they “habitable”? Do they harbour any kind of life? Could we go there, at least in the future?

I’ll get to these questions shortly. For now, let me hail a few significan­t aspects of this discovery. First, one of the observator­ies that participat­ed in the research is in Morocco, near Marrakesh, at a mountainou­s site called Oukaimeden, at an altitude of 2,700 metres. And indeed, two of the team members are Moroccan, and a third one is Saudi, part of a big collaborat­ion that included a Belgian institutio­n (which provided the telescope in Morocco and other instrument­s), Nasa with its Spitzer infrared space satellite, and institutio­ns from the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Switzerlan­d and South Africa.

Secondly, two of the telescopes that contribute­d observatio­ns and data for the discovery, including the one in Morocco, are no bigger than 60 centimetre­s in diameter.

Thirdly, the star, called TRAPPIST-1 after the Belgian ‘Transiting Planets and Planetesim­als Small Telescope’ project, is 20 times more common than our sun but 2,000 times dimmer, representi­ng both an opportunit­y and a challenge for future searches.

That’s for the main news. However, in the excitement and the rush to communicat­e to the public the fact that this is a historic discovery, some essential ideas were lost in translatio­n.

Indeed, while the planets were described as ‘Earth-like’, they are not necessaril­y “like Earth”. The planets have diameters ranging between 76 per cent and 113 per cent of Earth’s diameter, and masses between 0.4 and 1.4 that of our planet. But we know nothing about whether they carry an atmosphere, how thick or how thin and with what gases, what the temperatur­es are on those worlds, how fast they rotate around themselves, are their axes inclined, do they have seasons, and many factors that really distinguis­h our planet from the hell-like environmen­t of Venus (which by the above descriptio­n is also ‘Earth-like’) or the cool but unprotecte­d surface of Mars.

Secondly, when astronomer­s say that such worlds are ‘habitable’, what they mean is that they orbit their star at distances that make water — if it exists there — potentiall­y liquid. Emphasis on “if it exists” and “potentiall­y”! Water is an easy molecule to form, and we have found it in many different cosmic environmen­ts, but whether it will have accumulate­d anywhere on those planets and remained there is a big open question. Indeed, water can easily evaporate, especially if the atmosphere on a planet is too thin, so finding it there in liquid form is far from guaranteed, even if the planet happens to be in the right ‘goldilocks’, ‘habitable’ zone.

World of difference

So, to make a long story short, and I don’t mean to disappoint you, dear reader, there is a world of difference between a planet having the size of the Earth and it carrying oceans or even lakes of water, let alone having any form of life.

So why are we are so excited about these planets? Could we possibly go visit them in the future? Sorry, but no. With our present space technologi­es, that is, spacecraft travelling at 50,000km/h, it would take roughly one million years to get there! And even if we built small boxes that could travel close to the speed of light (a futuristic possibilit­y), they would take decades or centuries to reach there, carrying only tiny cameras and sensors, and still requiring loads of energy to be sent there...

So what are we excited about? Well, this is the most striking planetary system we have ever found; not even our solar system has so many rocky planets. And although we have only found two dozen or so planets of this kind so far, the statistics indicate that in our galaxy alone, there could be over a billion of them. Surely some of them will have life, right? Maybe. But at least the opportunit­ies are there, and generation­s of researcher­s will be busy “dissecting” these worlds (from afar, with telescopes and other instrument­s) to try to find signatures of life, at least the primitive kind and study various issues of planetary science.

So let us look at the bright side now. With small telescopes on high mountains, or for our region large telescopes on mid-altitude mountains, amazing planetary systems can be found, scientific and educationa­l opportunit­ies open up, and everyone can contribute to this fascinatin­g cosmic exploratio­n and adventure.

Future generation­s will envy us and our children. In our era, humanity is discoverin­g other worlds, amazing varieties of physical and cosmic conditions, and perhaps one day soon the grand prize: the discovery of life on another world. We are taking strides in that direction, and each step has brought wonderful samples. On with the grand adventure!

Nidhal Guessoum is a professor of physics and astronomy at the American University of Sharjah. You can follow him on Twitter at: www.­soum.

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